Grade 5
- Plus Plan
Animal Alliteration Activity - Brainstorming Template
Use this brainstorming template when teaching about alliteration.
- Plus Plan
Informative Text Writing Task – How Does a Plane Fly?
A scaffolded writing task for students to complete when learning about the informative text type.
- Plus Plan
A Thinker Like Me Poem - Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a poem about a thinker.
- Plus Plan
Daily Writing Prompts Calendars - Upper Grades
Inspire your students and encourage them to write regularly with a set of printable Daily Writing Prompts in calendar format!
- Free Plan
Guided Writing Groups - Progress Tracker
Track student progress during guided writing sessions with this template.
- Free Plan
Note-taking Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when taking notes.
- Free Plan
Said is Dead List - Dialogue Tags
Help your students choose a variety of dialogue tags when writing with a fun ‘Said is Dead’ Dialogue Tag List.
- Plus Plan
Similes Matching Game
Use this similes game to introduce your students to some of the most common similes used in the English language.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Visual Prompts
A 19-slide PowerPoint containing a set of 5 visual narrative writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
Imaginative, Persuasive and Informative Paragraphs PowerPoint
Learn about the different structures of imaginative, persuasive and informative paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Nonfiction Task Cards
Guide students along their summarizing journey with this set of nonfiction texts on task cards for students to summarize.
- Plus Plan
Decimal Exit Tickets for 5th Grade (Place Value, Rounding, Ordering and Computation)
Assess student understanding of 5th grade decimal standards with this set of 21 exit tickets.
- Plus Plan
Base-10 Blocks - Pictorial Model Cards
A set of base-10 block cards to compose and decompose numbers, including decimals.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Main Idea - Comprehension Task (Thunderstorms)
Explore thunderstorms and consolidate knowledge of the main idea and supporting details of a text with this comprehension task.
- Free Plan
Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet - Color By Code
Help Gran choose her next quilt design with a Synonyms and Antonyms Color-by-Code Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Types of Figurative Language - Worksheet
Practice identifying and creating examples of figurative language with this printable worksheet.
- Free Plan
Vocabulary Builder: Synonym Worksheet
Practice synonym matching with this cut and paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Escape From Millbrook Manor – Halloween Escape Room
Practice computation skills by solving puzzles with this differentiated Halloween escape room game.
- Plus Plan
Greek and Latin Roots Practice Worksheet Bundle
Practice using vocabulary containing Greek roots and Latin roots with 24 weekly root word practice worksheets.
- Free Plan
Naming Decimals Worksheet
Get students applying decimal place value skills to represent numbers to the thousandths place in standard, word and expanded form.
- Free Plan
Find What Doesn’t Fit: Relevant Details Worksheet
Practice determining what details are relevant and irrelevant to a topic while providing a purposeful context.
- Free Plan
Grammar Grid Mystery Picture Worksheet- Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives (Bunny)
Follow the color-coded parts of speech guide to fill in the word grid and reveal a mystery image.
- Plus Plan
Writing Informative Texts – Teaching Presentation
A 33-slide, editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about informative writing.
- Free Plan
S.W.B.S.T. Summarizing Graphic Organizer
Use this printable SWBST strategy graphic organizer with students to write a summary for a fictional piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Context Clues Scoot Activity
Use context clues to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
- Free Plan
Biography Timeline Template
Use this multipurpose timeline template for a variety of assignments, projects, and more!
- Plus Plan
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Worksheets
Use these fractions, decimals and percentages worksheets in your upper elementary classroom for independent practice or as an assessment activity.
- Free Plan
Sensory Chart Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when categorizing sensory details.
- Plus Plan
Grammar and Punctuation Tails - Active Learning
An active game that requires students to use their basic grammar and punctuation knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Chart with Decimals
Display this place value anchor chart in your classroom to remind your students of place value from millions to millionths.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist - Structure, Language and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Blank Graph Template
A blank template for constructing graphs.