Number & Operations in Base Ten
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Expanded Form Race-Themed Worksheet
Race through identifying the standard form of 2-digit numbers in expanded form with this fun race-themed worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Christmas Game
Have some Christmas math fun with an interactive, self-checking comparing numbers game.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Turkey Hide! - Place Value Worksheet
Save the Thanksgiving Turkeys and practice modeling numbers in base ten with a printable Thanksgiving Math Worksheet
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Dot to Dot Worksheets
Practice counting up to 40 and create beautiful Thanksgiving art using a set of printable Thanksgiving Connect the Dots Printables.
- Plus Plan
2 Digit Place Value Puzzles
Teach students the different representations of 2-digit numbers with this place value puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Counting Clip Cards - Fire Safety
Practice counting objects with a set of 18 fire-themed counting clip cards.
- Plus Plan
Firefighter Color By Number Worksheet - Hundreds Chart
Print the perfect math activity for Fire Prevention Week with a printable firefighter hundreds chart color-by-number worksheet.
- Free Plan
Halloween Number-Word Matching Worksheet
Match numbers and number words with a pack of Halloween printable math worksheets for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Math Worksheets - Spooky Ten Frames
Model numbers to twenty using ten frames with a spooky Halloween math worksheet for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers Worksheet - Halloween Cut and Paste
Practice ordering numbers with a fun set of spook-tacular Halloween Math worksheets for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Pumpkin Count and Color - Halloween Math Worksheet
Use these Halloween math worksheets to practice counting sets of objects up to ten.
- Plus Plan
Feed the Pumpkins - 1st Grade Subtraction Worksheet
Feed the pumpkins and practice subtraction to twenty with a Halloween subtraction worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Counting by 1s Picture Puzzles
Use this fun sorting activity for your students to practice ordering numbers in sequential order starting at a number other than 1.
- Plus Plan
10 More, 10 Less - Differentiated Mazes
Delight your students with this maze challenge, to practice calculating 10 more or 10 less than a value within 120.
- Plus Plan
10 More, 10 Less Coloring Worksheets (Differentiated)
- Plus Plan
10 More 10 Less Sorting Card Game
Engage your students and have them practice reading statements about values 10 more or 10 less, then and determining if the statement is accurate.
- Plus Plan
Exploring 2-Digit Place Value - Teaching Slides
Explore 2-digit numbers using place value strategies with an interactive teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Stew - Halloween Math Worksheet
Have some spooky subtraction fun with a Halloween picture-model subtraction worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Tens and Ones 2-Digit Place Value Mat
Build two-digit numbers and improve place value skills with a printable tens and ones math mat.
- Free Plan
Numbers to 100 - Printable Tens Frames
Print a colorful set of tens frames to enhance your small group math lessons.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Ten Frame Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 30 ten and double ten frame math talk task cards.
- Free Plan
Ten Frame - Printable Templates
Print a set of 10 blank ten frames to use in various math lessons.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Strategies - Ten Frame Printable Bingo Game
Practice using ten frames to subtract single-digit numbers in a whole class bingo game.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction with Ten Frames - Worksheet
Model and subtract numbers to twenty using ten frames with a handy ten-frame subtraction worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction within 20 - Color by Number Worksheet
Reveal the mystery picture by solving the subtraction problems with a color-by-number worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Sunflower Subtraction Strategies Interactive
Practice using the ten-frame subtraction strategy with a fun self-checking interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Using Picture Models Worksheet
Practice subtracting numbers to 12 using picture models with a printable subtraction worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Pirate's Plunder - Number Line Subtraction Game
Practice using the jump strategy for subtraction from 20 with an exciting pirate-themed math game.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Strategy Work Mats
Practice using a variety of subtraction strategies to solve problems with a set of printable subtraction work mats.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers - Instructional Slide Deck
Help your students understand the concept of number sequencing with an interactive instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Color By Number - Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures
Print the perfect color-by-number math activity for Christmas: a set of 12 Christmas-inspired mystery hundreds charts.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Place Value Game - Interactive Slide Deck
Review various first- and second-grade place value concepts with an interactive daily place value warmup.