Reading: Foundational Skills
- Free Plan
Suffix Mini Anchor Charts
Give your students a visual reminder of the meanings of 28 suffixes with a printable set of miniature anchor charts.
- Free Plan
Back to School Today! Poem for Kids
Ease back-to-school jitters and launch your students into a love of poetry with a short poem for kids written just for the first day of school!
- Free Plan
Prefix Fun! - Cut and Paste Worksheet
Cut and paste to build words with prefixes with an fun and free prefix worksheet.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theater Script - Creepy Cat Club
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students in 4th grade or higher.
- Plus Plan
Grade 4 Magazine - What's Buzzing? (Issue 1)
A beautifully designed, 24-page reading magazine written specifically for Grade 4 students.
- Plus Plan
Building Words with Suffixes Sorting Activity
Build words by matching the root word to suffixes, recording the new words on the answer sheet.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theater Script - That's Not My Pet
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Word Building Bricks - Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots Activity
Build, read and write multi-syllable words using prefixes, suffixes, and base words with a fun word-building literacy activity.
- Plus Plan
Morphological Knowledge - Matching Activity
Review concepts learned in your prefix and suffix lessons by ensuring students understand word parts with a matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Common Blends and Digraphs Bookmarks
These bookmarks are designed to help students remember some of the most common blends and digraphs while reading.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Yuna Kim – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Yuna Kim.
- Plus Plan
Before, During, and After Reading Fiction - Question Prompts
Question prompts and a worksheet to use when asking questions before, during, and after reading.
- Plus Plan
Paired Passage Worksheets - Thunderstorms (3-4)
Use paired passages to help your student practice applying reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Earth Watch: Drowning in Plastic - Comprehension Worksheet
Practice reading comprehension skills and learn about microplastic pollution in our oceans with a reading comprehension activity.
- Plus Plan
Multisyllable Words Google Interactive
Build multisyllable word decoding skills with upper-grade students with a Google Slides interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Poetic Devices PowerPoint
A 23-slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing students to poetic devices.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Digraphs Bookmarks
These bookmarks are designed to help students remember some of the most common vowel digraphs while reading.
- Free Plan
Reading Detectives Name Tags
8 colorful reading detective name tags to assign students during book club sessions.
- Plus Plan
Prefix Mini-Anchor Charts
Give your students a visual reminder of the meanings of 36 different prefixes with a printable set of miniature prefix anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Prefixes and Suffixes Word Search
Practice identifying the meanings of words containing prefixes and suffixes with a fun word search activity.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Figurative Language in Poetry Workbook
Teach your upper elementary and middle school students to read, analyze, and discuss poetry with a printable and digital poetry workbook.
- Plus Plan
Westward Expansion Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Build reading comprehension skills with a Westward Expansion reading passage and assessment.
- Plus Plan
Foldable Inferencing Template
Practice making inferences with this foldable template.
- Plus Plan
Brilliant, Brave Minds – Comprehension Task
An article and comprehension task celebrating women and Women's History Month.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Brooke Boney – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Brooke Boney.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theater Script - The Lion and the Mouse
A readers’ theater script that can be used for reading fluency and expressive reading.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Making Predictions
A set of comprehension task cards to help students make predictions when reading.
- Free Plan
Monitoring Comprehension Symbols Poster
A poster of symbols students can use to monitor their understanding of a text.
- Plus Plan
Cause and Effect - Comprehension Task
A task to use when teaching your students reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards Summarizing
Practice summarizing text with this set of event-specific task cards.
- Plus Plan
Naked Mole Rats – Comprehension Worksheet
Read and learn facts about the naked mole rat with a printable reading comprehension worksheet pack for 5th grade.
- Plus Plan
Women In WWI – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Read to learn about women in World War I with a printable reading passage and comprehension worksheet.