Reading: Literature
- Plus Plan
Elements of Plot Teaching Presentation
Teach them to your students with a Plot Elements Teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Fun With Fiction Task Cards
Build a foundation of literary concepts and skills with this set of 12 fiction reading response cards.
- Plus Plan
Comic – Team Trials: Success Celebrators – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a comic about the importance of good sportsmanship and celebrating the success of others.
- Plus Plan
Who Is Ruby Bridges? – Shared Reading and Activity
Read along to learn about Ruby Bridges and her role in desegregation with this 14-slide PowerPoint presentation.
- Plus Plan
Who Is Martin Luther King, Jr? - Shared Reading and Activity
Use this 13-slide PowerPoint as a collaborative reading exercise about Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Plus Plan
Primary Weekly Poetry Guide - Weeks 4 and 5
Use this weekly poetry guide to celebrate National Poetry Month in your primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
Novel Study - Alternate Story Ending Worksheet
A worksheet which encourages students to write an alternate ending to a shared class story.
- Plus Plan
Story Elements - Worksheet
Practice identifying characters, settings, problems and solutions in fictional texts with this set of worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Literary Element Task Cards (Primary Grades)
A set of 12 task cards for primary students to use after reading a picture book.
- Plus Plan
Ladybug Beats Poem - Simple Rhyming Poetry Poster
A simple rhyming poem to develop vocabulary, reading, speaking, and listening in the early years.
- Plus Plan
Primary Weekly Poetry Guide - Week 3
Use this weekly poetry guide to celebrate National Poetry Month in your primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
The Troll Poem and Task Cards
A poem and set of task cards about a Troll.
- Plus Plan
Primary Weekly Poetry Guide - Week 2
Use this weekly poetry guide to celebrate National Poetry Month in your primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
Color Rhyming and Poetry Worksheet
A worksheet to help students form rhyming words and create a rhyming poem.
- Plus Plan
Who Is Charity Adams Earley? – Shared Reading and Activity
Read along to learn about soldier & activist Charity Adams Earley with this 13-slide PowerPoint presentation.
- Plus Plan
Primary Weekly Poetry Guide - Week 1
Use this weekly poetry guide to celebrate National Poetry Month in your primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
Concrete Poem Poster
A poster providing a definition and example of a concrete poem (or shape poem).
- Plus Plan
Read Across America Participation Certificates
A set of reading awards for participating in Read Across America.
- Plus Plan
Astronaut Book Report Template
Use this printable book report template for students as a guide when reviewing their favorite book.
- Plus Plan
Fox Book Report Template
A fun fox book report template for your students to use when giving their opinion of a book.
- Plus Plan
Pirate Book Report Template
Arrr!... really great pirate book report template!
- Plus Plan
Knight Book Report Template
A book report template fit for a... knight!
- Plus Plan
Super Stamina Reading Posters Pack
Highlight strategies students can use to read for longer periods of time with this printable poster set for a school library or classroom.
- Plus Plan
Storytelling Finger Puppets Template
A set of 15 finger puppets that can be used to spark the imagination for creative writing or to perform puppet shows.
- Plus Plan
Crabbing at Night – Sequencing Worksheet
Identify the story beginning, series of events and ending with this narrative text sequencing activity.
- Plus Plan
Who Is Harriet Tubman? – Shared Reading and Activity
Learn about Harriet Tubman and her work in the abolitionist movement with this 15-slide read-along PowerPoint presentation.
- Plus Plan
Who Is Rosa Parks? – Shared Reading and Activity
Learn about and discuss activist Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott with this 15-slide read-along PowerPoint presentation.
- Plus Plan
Character Profile Flip Book - Primary Grades
Explore story characters with this flipbook template for lower primary students.
- Plus Plan
Spring Is Here Poem – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a poem about the season of spring.
- Plus Plan
Reading Task Cards
Over 40 reading task cards.
- Plus Plan
Readers' Theater Script - What's My Pet?
A script which can be used during readers' theater or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Guided Reading Groups - Retelling a Text Template
Use this template during a guided reading session for a scaffold to help your students retell a text.