Standards for Mathematical Practice
In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.
- Plus Plan
Long Division Mini-Book
Learn how to use the standard algorithm for division when dividing by double-digit divisors with this mini-book.
- Free Plan
Complex Dot-to-dot Worksheet – Ordering Fractions and Decimals (Cat)
Practice ordering fractions and decimals with this complex dot-to-dot worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Greatest Common Factor Doodle Notes
Learn how to find the GCF with this set of doodle notes.
- Plus Plan
Greatest Common Factor – Mini Book
Learn different strategies to find the greatest common factor with this mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Percentage Problems
A set of two worksheets covering percentages.
- Plus Plan
Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions Anchor Charts
Display these fractions anchor charts in your classroom to remind your students how to perform operations with like and unlike fractions.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Mini Book
Learn how to solve equations using order of operations with this mini book.
- Plus Plan
Absolute Value Mazes
Calculate the absolute value of rational numbers while finding your way through this set of 3 math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Absolute Value - Worksheet
Find the absolute value of a number and determine values to make a number sentence true with this worksheet.
- Free Plan
Factor Trees Worksheet Set
Print a free factor trees worksheet set for 5th or 6th graders to practice prime factorization.
- Plus Plan
Operations with Decimals Teaching Slides
Teach your students how to add, subtract, multiply and divide using decimal numbers with this comprehensive teaching presentation perfect for upper elementary math lessons.
- Plus Plan
Nets of 3D Shapes - Poster
A poster highlighting the nets of a selection of 3D shapes.
- Free Plan
Battleship Coordinate Grid Game
Practice using ordered pairs with this fun battleship game.
- Plus Plan
Math Investigation - Decimals and Percentages
Get your students connecting their math knowledge to the real world with this decimals and percentages party planning project.
- Plus Plan
Decimals and Percentages Assessment
Assess students' knowledge of various decimals and percentages concepts with this four-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Creating Line Plots (with Fractions and Decimals) Small Group Activity
Incorporate this small group activity into your math centers to reinforce students skills in interpreting data and displaying it as line plots.
- Plus Plan
Dot Day Division Tarsia Puzzle
Practice dividing two-digit by one-digit numbers with a Dot Day tarsia puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Mean Median and Mode Task Cards
Use this set of 24 data interpretation task cards to teach students to find the mean, median and mode of a limited data set.
- Plus Plan
Bar Graphs Worksheet
Use this double-sided bar graphs worksheet to check your students’ understanding of interpreting and drawing bar graphs.
- Plus Plan
Interpreting Graphs Task Cards
Use this set of task cards students to practice interpreting bar graphs, histograms and line plots.
- Plus Plan
Graphing on the Coordinate Plane Teaching Slides
Teach your students how to plot points on a graph using ordered pairs from input-output tables with this set of teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Grocery Percentages – 6th Grade Math Worksheet
Use percentages to calculate discounts with this math worksheet designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Order of Operations – Differentiated Bump Game
Use this set of Bump games to sharpen your students’ computation skills by using the order of operations to evaluate expressions.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions – Paper Chain Activity
Use your understanding of the order of operations to evaluate expressions with one or two variables with this paper chain activity.
- Plus Plan
Exponential Expressions – Match-Up Activity
Match numerical expressions with exponents to their expanded expressions and solutions with this match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Integers - Codebreaker Worksheets
Crack the positive and negative number code with four adding and subtracting integers worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Printable Number Line - Negative and Positive Numbers -25-25
Use a negative and positive number line when working with integers.
- Plus Plan
Positive and Negative Number Line - Worksheet
Practice locating integers on a positive and negative number line with a printable integer worksheet.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition and Subtraction) – Math Mazes
Practice solving one-step equations with whole numbers, decimals, and mixed numbers while working through a set of 3 math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Integers on Number Lines - Interactive Task Cards
Practice locating integers on a number line with a Google Slides interactive number line activity.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition and Subtraction) – Worksheet
Explore pre-algebra concepts by adding and subtracting whole numbers, decimals, and fractions with this one-step equations worksheet.
- Free Plan
Ratio Tables – Worksheet
Determine missing values to show the relationship between quantities with this free ratio tables worksheet.