Standards for Mathematical Practice
In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.
- Plus Plan
Multiplying Decimals by Decimals Teaching Slides
Teach your students how to multiply decimals by decimals using three different strategies using this step-by-step teaching presentation for upper elementary students.
- Plus Plan
Creating Line Plots (With Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals) Worksheets
Help your students master data representation with this series of leveled worksheets for creating line plots.
- Plus Plan
Analyzing Line Plots Interactive Activity
Dive into data with your class using this engaging Analyzing Line Plots Interactive Activity!
- Plus Plan
Creating Line Plots Small Group Activity
Enhance your students’ math skills through this small group activity where they’ll transfer word based data to create line plots.
- Plus Plan
Creating Line Plots (Fractions and Decimals) Cut and Paste Worksheets
Enable your students to create line plots to represent given data, using this hands-on cut and paste worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
Area Formula for 2D Shapes Anchor Chart
Display this math poster showing the area formula for different 2D shapes during your geometry lessons.
- Plus Plan
Mean Median Mode Worksheet
Use this double-sided worksheet to check students’ ability to find the mean, median and mode of given data sets.
- Plus Plan
Coffee Shop Calculations – Estimation With Decimals Task Cards
Download this set of 24 task cards to help your students practice estimating decimal sums and differences with benchmark numbers.
- Plus Plan
Histograms Worksheet
Encourage your students to practice reading and creating histogram graphs using this double-sided worksheet with answer key included.
- Plus Plan
Absolute Value – Interactive Task Cards for 6th Grade
Determine the absolute value of whole numbers, fractions and decimals with this self-checking interactive game designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Converting Fractions and Decimals – 6th Grade Interactive Activity
Use this set of interactive slides to practice converting, ordering and solving problems with fractions and decimals.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – Interactive Mystery Picture Reveal
Practice representing written statements as a single-variable equation with this self-checking interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition & Subtraction) – Interactive Task Cards
Practice solving one-step equations by adding and subtracting whole numbers, decimals and fractions.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – I Have, Who Has? Game
Practice identifying word sentences for different equations with an exciting I Have, Who Has game.
- Plus Plan
Area of a Parallelogram – War Game
Practice finding and comparing the area of a parallelogram with a game of WAR!
- Plus Plan
Area of a Parallelogram – Differentiated Math Mazes
Determine the area of different parallelograms with a set of differentiated math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Area of a Triangle – Differentiated Math Mazes
Use the area of a triangle formula as you work your way through this set of differentiated math mazes.
- Plus Plan
Area of a Parallelogram – Task Cards
Practice calculating the area of a parallelogram with this set of 24 task cards designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Absolute Value – Kaboom Game
Calculate the absolute value of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions with an exciting game of Kaboom!
- Plus Plan
Area of a Parallelogram – Match-Up Activity
Calculate the area of parallelograms and match them with their corresponding areas with this match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
One-Step Equations (Addition and Subtraction) – Board Game
Use addition and subtraction skills to solve one-step equations with a fun board game.
- Plus Plan
Evaluate Expressions (One Variable) – Mystery Picture Worksheet
Substitute values for variables and use your understanding of the order of operations to solve expressions with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Area of a Parallelogram – Worksheet
Practice finding the area of a paralellogram with this math worksheet designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions With Exponents – Task Cards
Solve expressions with exponents by using the order of operations with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Expressions With Exponents – Cut and Paste Message Reveal
Reveal a mystery message by applying the order of operations to solve expressions with exponents.
- Plus Plan
Area of a Triangle Matching Activity for 6th Grade
Calculate the area of triangle figures and match them with their corresponding areas with this match-up activity.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Decimals – Dominoes
Use this game of dominoes to strengthen computation skills by adding and subtracting decimals through the thousandths place.
- Plus Plan
Area of a Triangle – Task Cards for 6th Grade
Sixth graders use multiplication and division skills to determine the area of a triangle with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Decimals on Number Lines - Math Game
Review how to identify and place decimals on a number line with a set of printable math games.
- Plus Plan
Lost in Decimal Woods - Decimal Number Line Interactive
Recognize and analyze decimals on a number line with an exciting self-checking interactive game.
- Plus Plan
Evaluating Expressions – Match-Up Activity
Practice substituting values for variables while evaluating expressions with this match-up activity designed for 6th-grade students.
- Plus Plan
Writing Equations – Match Up Activity
Practice matching word sentences to equations with variables with this 36-card match-up activity.