Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
- Plus Plan
Synonym and Antonym Swap Worksheet
Build vocabulary skills with a printable synonyms and antonyms worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Task Cards - Set 2
Practice dictionary skills with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Bookmarks
Learn how to use a dictionary and use these bookmarks to help!
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Poster Pack
Display this poster set in the classroom when learning dictionary skills and the parts of a dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Pick the Synonym - Self-Checking Interactive Activity
Build some ‘llama-zing’ vocabulary skills using a fun llama-themed self-checking activity with synonyms!
- Plus Plan
Word Of The Day Activity Sheet - Grades 4–6
A word of the day activity with a variety of tasks to give context and meaning to a word.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Definition Matchup
A set of 20 word cards for students to match to their definition.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms and Antonyms - Build a Sentence Interactive
Build strong vocabulary and sentence-writing skills with an interactive synonyms and antonyms sentence-building activity.
- Plus Plan
Shamrock Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet
Build vocabulary with a Shamrock Synonyms and Antonyms worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Task Cards - Set 1
A set of 12 task cards to practice various dictionary skills.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Entry Instructional Slide Deck
Learn about the different parts of a dictionary with this Instruction Slide Deck.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms Are the Same! - Vocabulary Worksheets
Practice identifying and using synonyms in sentences with a synonyms worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Antonyms are Opposite Words - Cut and Paste Worksheets
Build vocabulary skills with a cut-and-paste antonyms worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Entry Flipbook
Learn and practice dictionary skills with this Parts of a Dictionary Entry Flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms Tarsia Puzzle
Have fun building vocabulary skills with a printable synonyms tarsia puzzle activity.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Dig Activity Cards
Practice dictionary skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Mystery Scoot Game
Practice dictionary skills with your students with this active game.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms - Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
Boost vocabulary skills with a fun synonym crossword puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Shopping for Synonyms - Worksheet
Go shopping for synonyms with a fun “Synonym Shop” color by code worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Synonym Roll Sorting Center
Encourage your kids to take a bite out of language learning with our sweet “Synonym Roll” sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Sort the Synonym Rolls Worksheets
Encourage your kids to take a bite out of language learning with our sweet “Synonym Roll” sorting worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Antonyms Tarsia Puzzle
Match antonym pairs with an engaging opposite words tarsia puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Antonyms - Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
Turn your language learners into vocabulary superstars with a fun antonym crossword puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Synonyms and Antonyms Quiz
Assess your students’ knowledge of synonyms and antonyms with a vocabulary quiz.
- Plus Plan
St. Paddy's Synonyms - St. Patrick's Day Craft
Practice identifying and matching synonyms with a fun St. Patrick’s Day Craft Activity.
- Plus Plan
Formation of Earth – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Use this reading comprehension activity that helps develop literacy skills and outlines the events and processes that led to the formation of our home planet.
- Plus Plan
Daily Vocabulary Dive - Antonyms Worksheet
Give your students a daily dose of vocabulary practice with a five-day Antonym Review Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Color By Code Worksheet - Synonyms and Antonyms
Reveal the hidden picture and practice using synonyms and antonyms with a vocabulary color-by-code worksheet.
- Plus Plan
My Book of Synonyms and Antonyms
Combat overused words in your students’ writings by having them build their very own book of synonyms and antonyms.
- Plus Plan
Seize the Synonym Active Game
Grab, snatch, and match synonyms with an active synonyms game.
- Plus Plan
Synonym Activity - Printable Puzzle Center
Print and assemble a set of synonym puzzles for your classroom reading centers.
- Plus Plan
Antonym Flashcards
Use flashcards to assist with your students' understanding of antonyms.