- Free Plan
Roll to Create a Creature - Drawing Game
Use a die and a chart to create a creature to include in a narrative text or a comic strip.
- Free Plan
Paired Passage Worksheets-Mammals vs. Reptiles
Compare mammals vs. reptiles and add to your reading instruction with leveled nonfiction, compare and contrast passages and worksheets.
- Free Plan
Common Adjectives for Kids - Printable Adjective List
Print your students a list of adjectives to keep at hand when writing to help them use descriptive language.
- Free Plan
Information Text Graphic Organizers
Get your students to plan and write informational texts with this set of 6 differentiated graphic organizers.
- Free Plan
Narrative Plot Structure - Story Mountain Template
Use a story mountain template to help your students write narrative stories.
- Plus Plan
Developing Narrative Writing Skills - 3rd & 4th Grade
Teach your students about the structure and language features of narrative texts with an engaging interactive Narrative Writing Teaching Slide Presentation.
- Free Plan
Biography of a Paralympian – Inquiry-Based Project
Have your students investigate the life and achievements of a famous Paralympic athlete with this inquiry-based learning project.
- Free Plan
Narrative Writing Planning Template
A template for students to use when planning a narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Information Text Fact Files and Scaffolding Sheet
Use this set of informational writing prompts to support your students in writing a detailed and well-structured factual report.
- Free Plan
Amelia Earhart Constructed Response Worksheet
Use this passage, second grade writing prompt, and worksheet to help students write a constructed response paragraph about Amelia Earhart.
- Free Plan
Synonyms- Printable Flashcards
Build vocabulary skills with individual Synonym anchor chart flash cards.
- Plus Plan
Great White Shark Information Report – Writing Project
Get your students writing an informational text about sharks using this age-appropriate fact file and writing scaffold.
- Free Plan
Goldilocks and The Three Bears - Finish the Story Writing Prompt
Finish the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story in your own words.
- Plus Plan
Informative Paragraphs Sequencing Activity
Teach your students about informational text paragraph structure with this hands-on sequencing activity.
- Plus Plan
Animal Alliteration Activity - Brainstorming Template
Use this brainstorming template when teaching about alliteration.
- Free Plan
Guided Writing Groups - Progress Tracker
Track student progress during guided writing sessions with this template.
- Free Plan
Note-taking Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when taking notes.
- Plus Plan
Developing Report Writing Skills Teaching Slides
Use this slide deck to teach your students about the purpose, structural elements and language features of informational texts.
- Plus Plan
Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint - Informative Paragraphs
A Paragraph of the Week PowerPoint presentation to use when setting up this writing strategy in your classroom.
- Free Plan
Build a Fact File Template
Get a sense of separating fact from opinion in texts with this graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Visual Prompts
A 19-slide PowerPoint containing a set of 5 visual narrative writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
Imaginative, Persuasive and Informative Paragraphs PowerPoint
Learn about the different structures of imaginative, persuasive and informative paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Family and Culture Poetry Writing Prompts
A set of 16 illustrated poetry task cards to help students write about their family and cultural celebrations.
- Free Plan
Biography Timeline Template
Use this multipurpose timeline template for a variety of assignments, projects, and more!
- Free Plan
Sensory Chart Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when categorizing sensory details.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist - Structure, Language and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Animal Information Report – Writing Craftivity
Use this animal-themed writing and craft activity to teach your students in the primary grades about informative writing.
- Plus Plan
Opinion Writing Anchor Chart
Introduce younger students to the language associated with opinion writing with a printable opinion writing anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Magical Story – Dice Game
Get your students writing magical stories with this engaging and interactive “Roll to Create” dice game.
- Plus Plan
Giraffe Adaptations Reading Comprehension - 3rd Grade
Read and learn about giraffe adaptations with a set of 3rd grade reading comprehension worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Types of Poetry - Anchor Chart Pack with Annotations
Introduce structured forms of poetry to your students with this set of 9 annotated poetry posters. .
- Plus Plan
Build-a-Bird - Owl Report Writing Template
Build beautiful content-aligned Fall bulletin boards with our Owl-themed informational writing template.