- Plus Plan
Recount Writing Planning Template
A template for students to use when planning a recount.
- Free Plan
Paralympic Athlete Profile Template
Get your students excited about their favorite Paralympic competitors with our Athlete Profile Template.
- Free Plan
Paralympic Sports – Inquiry-Based Project
Have your students investigate the different types of Paralympic sports with this inquiry-based learning project.
- Plus Plan
Informative Writing Fact Files - Differentiated Writing Worksheets
Teach your students to write informative texts using a pack of differentiated Informative Writing Fact File Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Comic Strip Templates
Download a comic strip template pack to inspire creative writing in your classroom!
- Plus Plan
R.A.C.E.S. Writing Strategy Bulletin Board Display
Help your students write quality constructed responses by displaying your printable R.A.C.E.S. Writing Strategy bulletin board display.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Christmas Story - Writing Prompt
Roll the die to generate a fun Christmas writing activity with a roll-to-create Christmas worksheet.
- Plus Plan
PEEL Paragraph Structure Poster and Worksheets
Explore the acronym PEEL to help with paragraph technique during opinion writing lessons.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Silly Book Title - Differentiated Writing Activity
Have some fun with a hands-on Read Across America activity using a die and chart to create a silly book title and storybook.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Simile Poem - Worksheet
Experiment with similes by writing a simile poem about a special person.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Verbs
Get rid of those overused verbs with a word wheel of synonyms.
- Plus Plan
ARMS and COPS Writing and Editing Posters and Checklists
Encourage your students to proofread and edit their writing using the C.O.P.S. and A.R.M.S acronym with a pair of printable writing anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Sloth Story Starters - Animal Writing Prompts
Help students get over writers’ block with these cute sloth-themed writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
All About Sloths - Animal Research Project Instructional Slides
Use an animated instructional slide deck to guide your students through a sloth research project!
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar Volume 1 Workbook
50 activities in one booklet which all revolve around learning grammar in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Opinion Writing Anchor Chart - Letter Writing
Demonstrate writing a persuasive letter with an opinion writing anchor chart.
- Plus Plan
Fall Narrative Writing Prompts for Kids
Celebrate Fall and write imaginative stories using a collection of narrative writing prompts for second graders and beyond!
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Writing Worksheets: Tornado Text-Based Writing
Enhance your students' comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills using 4th Grade writing worksheets and a high-interest reading passage about Tornadoes.
- Plus Plan
Declaration of Independence- Constructed Response Passage Worksheet
Blend reading, writing, and historical concepts with the Declaration of Independence worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Nonfiction Text Features – All About Me Project
Implement a text features project with an “All About Me” theme to explore informational text features with your students.
- Plus Plan
How Do Rocks Form? – Informative Text Structure Sorting Activity
A sorting task to help students learn about the structure of an informative text.
- Plus Plan
Brainstorming Techniques PowerPoint
An editable PowerPoint to use when teaching various brainstorming techniques.
- Plus Plan
Informative Writing Checklist – Structure, Language, and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their informative writing.
- Free Plan
Brainstorming Template - A Favorite Memory With...
A template for brainstorming favorite memories.
- Free Plan
Readers Theater – Play Writing Template
A template for students to use when writing their own Readers Theater script.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Bump It Up Wall – Grade 5
Help your 5th-grade students "bump up" their persuasive writing with this bulletin board display.
- Free Plan
Biography Cube
Research and create an interactive biography for a historical figure.
- Plus Plan
Onomatopoeia Poems Poster
A poster providing a definition and example of an onomatopoeia poem.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Superhero Character
A fun, hands-on activity using a die and a chart to create a superhero to include in a comic.
- Plus Plan
A Fistful of Flavors Alliteration Activity
Make alliteration fun with a printable worksheet that challenges students to create flavors of ice cream.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Groundhog Story
A fun, hands-on Groundhog Day activity using a die and a chart to create a narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Story Leads To Hook Your Readers
How to hook your reader: 11 techniques to open your story with a bang and grab your reader's attention!