Addition Strategies Teaching Resources
Make teaching addition strategies easier this school year with worksheets, printables, math games, and more created by elementary teachers for elementary teachers like you.
Aligned with both TEKS and the Common Core Math curriculum standards, the digital and printable teacher resources in this collection cover a range of grade levels, so you can find just what you need for your lesson plans. Whether you're teaching kindergartners how to count on, explaining the commutative property to your 3rd grade class or working on your students' front-end estimation skills, we've got you covered!
Has it been a while since you taught math, or at least this particular part of the curriculum? Our teacher team knows a quarter of American teachers switch grades every year, and sometimes you could use a quick refresher.
What Are Addition Strategies?
Using strategies in math teaches students to think flexibly about numbers and will help them develop automaticity. So, what does it mean in the context of addition?
The term addition strategies refers to the different methods and techniques that can be used by our students to solve addition problems.
These strategies are an important part of developing fluency and building a deeper conceptual understanding — not to mention more efficient than counting as students flex their math muscles!
6 Addition Strategy Examples That Can Help Elementary Students Build Fluency
Looking for examples of some of the addition strategies that can help put your students on the path to a more procedural model? Here are a few that can be used side by side:
Counting On Strategy
Kindergarten and 1st graders can start with the larger number and count on from there to begin mastering addition.
Counting On Strategy Example — If students want to find the sum of 7 + 3, they would start with 7 and count on 3 more (8, 9, 10).
Making 10
Finding ways to make one of the numbers a multiple of 10 and then adding the remaining number is a simple but effective strategy to help first and second graders build fluency.
Making 10 Strategy Example — If your student is looking to find the sum of 7 + 4, they could make 7 into 10 by adding 3 and have 1 left to add on.
Doubles Strategy
The doubles strategy for addition is based on the fact that adding a number to itself is the same as doubling that number.
Double Strategy Example — To add 8 + 7, one can think of it as 7 + 7 (which equals 14) and then add one more to get 8 + 7 = 15.
Number Bonds
Number bonds involve breaking the problem down into smaller parts that can be added together.
Number Bonds Strategy Example — To find the sum of 7 + 3, you could think of the problem as (5 + 2) + 3.
Place Value
This strategy involves breaking down numbers into their individual digits and adding them one column at a time, starting with the ones place, then the tens place, etc.
Mental Math
Using mental math as an addition strategy involves rounding, front-end estimation and compensation.
- Plus Plan
Friends of 20 – Addition Match-up Activity
A set of 40 matching cards to explore the number combinations of 20.
- Plus Plan
Friends of... 1 to 10 - Black and White Version
A set of 10 posters showing the different combinations to make the numbers 1 to 10.
- Plus Plan
Making 10 - Number Facts Board Game
A fun, hands-on game students can play to practice the Making 10 addition strategy.
- Plus Plan
Near Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
Practice the "Near Doubles" addition strategy with this board game.
- Plus Plan
Doubles - Number Facts Board Game
Practice the doubles addition strategy with this board game.
- Plus Plan
Counting On Addition Dominoes
A set of addition dominoes to use in the classroom when applying counting on strategies.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Leap Frog - Doubling Numbers Game
A fun game for students to play when learning to double two-digit numbers.
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Double Bubble – Doubling Game
Practice the doubles addition strategy with this fun board game.
- Free Plan
Doubles Plus One - Worksheet
Practice the doubles plus one addition strategy with this one-page worksheet.
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Doubles Minus One - Grid Game
Practice the doubles minus one addition strategy with this dice game.
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Doubles Plus One - Dice Roll Worksheet
Practice the doubles plus one addition strategy with this one-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Minus One - Dice Roll Worksheet
Practice the doubles minus one addition strategy with this one-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Doubles to Twenty
A set of 20 posters to help students remember double numbers to ten.
- Plus Plan
Number Facts Board Games
A collection of board games to reinforce your students' knowledge of addition and subtraction fact strategies.