Force and Motion Teaching Resources
A collection of physics related educational resources to use in your classroom. Use the Isaac Newton Laws of Motions Teaching Resource Pack to provide your students with all of the information and activities they need to learn about physics and the laws of motion. Also provided are posters to display in your classroom and science themed page borders.
- Plus Plan
High or Low Friction? Interactive Clip Cards
Explore high and low friction examples with your students using this set of 24 digital clip cards.
- Free Plan
Magnets Word Wall Vocabulary
Expand your students' science vocabulary with printable Magnets word wall vocabulary cards.
- Free Plan
Uses of Magnets Comprehension Worksheet
Download this magnets worksheet to teach your 2nd grade students about the uses of magnets in our everyday lives.
- Plus Plan
The Force of Gravity Comprehension Worksheets
Download this gravity worksheet to teach your 3rd grade students about the force of gravity and its impact on our daily lives.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Vocabulary Worksheets
Use these force and motion vocabulary worksheets to teach your students the subject-specific vocabulary related to forces and motion.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion – Poster Pack
Display information about force and motion with this set of 12 vocabulary posters.
- Plus Plan
Simple Machines Teaching Resource Pack
This 33 page simple machines resource pack includes educational posters, classroom decorations, word wall templates, page borders, worksheets and activities for you to mix and match with your class.
- Free Plan
Push and Pull Sorting Worksheet
Use this push and pull sorting worksheet when exploring forces and motion with your 3rd grade students.
- Plus Plan
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Cut-and-Paste Worksheets
Explore examples of balanced and unbalanced forces with your students using this set of two cut-and-paste worksheets.
- Free Plan
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Anchor Chart
Use this force and motion anchor chart when teaching your students about balanced and unbalanced forces.
- Plus Plan
Magnetism Vocabulary Cards
Reinforce science vocabulary in your classroom with this set of word wall cards that focus on magnetism.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Bingo
Play a forces and motion game with your students to reinforce key subject-specific vocabulary.
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Force and Motion Vocabulary Posters
Display this set of 22 mini-posters in your classroom when learning about force and motion vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Forces Quiz
Assess students' understanding of contact and noncontact forces with this forces quiz for 3rd grade students.
- Plus Plan
Using Simple Machines - Worksheet
A set of worksheets to use in the classroom when learning about simple machines and how they can help use solve everyday problems.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Magnets Worksheets
Download this magnetism worksheet to use when exploring magnetism in your elementary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Push or Pull? Worksheet
Use this push or pull worksheet when exploring forces and motion in your 3rd grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Which Force Is That? Worksheet
Use this forces worksheet to teach your 3rd grade students about the common forces of friction, buoyancy and gravity.
- Plus Plan
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Quiz
Assess students' understanding of balanced and unbalanced forces with this force and motion quiz for 6rd grade students.
- Plus Plan
Uses of Magnets Mini-Book
Teach about everyday uses of magnets with this printable mini-book perfect for 2nd grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
The Force of Friction Comprehension Worksheets
Download this friction worksheet to teach your 3rd grade students about the force of friction and its impact on our daily lives.
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All About Gravity Mini-Book
Get students exploring gravity facts for kids with this printable mini-book perfect for 3rd grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Object Movement Investigation Worksheets
Get students to push or pull on an object with this forces investigation for your 3rd grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Sorting Activity
Show students force and motion examples with this force and motion sorting activity for elementary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Task Cards
Use these force and motion task cards as a student review activity in your 3rd grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Types of Forces Worksheet
Teach students about the types of contact forces with this simple one-page worksheet perfect for 3rd grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Balloon Car Experiment – Speed Racer
Use this hands-on balloon car experiment when teaching your 5th grade students about thrust force and its effect on the speed of objects.
- Plus Plan
Forces in the Playground Worksheet
Download this forces in the playground worksheet to help your students explore the pushes and pulls that make playground equipment fun!
- Plus Plan
Push or Pull? Interactive Activity
Get students to determine whether a force is a push or a pull with this engaging digital game for Grade 3 science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Teaching Slides
Teach your students about balanced and unbalanced forces with this comprehensive and age-appropriate teaching presentation for 6th grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Task Cards
Use these force and motion task cards as a student review activity in your 6th grade science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Minibook
Teach your students about balanced and unbalanced forces with this printable mini-book perfect for 6th grade science lessons.