Word Problems Teaching Resources
Browse math word problems and word problem worksheets created by teachers for teachers like you! This vast collection covers all four math operations with problem-solving tasks that allow students to apply their math skills to real-world problems!
From worksheets to task cards, this collection is full of Common Core math curriculum-aligned resources, ready for your classroom, your lesson plans and your students!
Curious about using word problems in your classroom? Read on for a primer from our teacher team, including a kid-friendly definition of the concept and tips to ensure your students succeed with word problems!
What Is a Word Problem? A Kid-Friendly Definition
No doubt you know the answer to this question, but would you know how to answer if a student asked? Here's a handy definition that you can use!
A word problem is a kind of maths problem that is presented in words instead of just numbers. Word problems require us to use our math skills to solve real-life scenarios or situations.
A word problem usually includes a question or a scenario that needs to be solved using one of the four math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
How to Help Students Succeed With Word Problems
Word problems are a fantastic tool to help students build their problem-solving skills. So how do you set them up for success?
Our teacher team has a few tricks up our sleeves to ensure your students can translate their maths skills into real-world problem-solving situations.
1. Teach Key Word Problem Vocabulary
Word problems are full of, well, words that serve as cues for students to help them know which operations to apply. Make sure to explicitly teach students the words so they know the appropriate actions.
For example, if a student sees the term "take away" in a word problem, they should know that subtraction is involved. Here are just a few other key word problem vocabulary terms:
- How much
- Increased by
- How much longer
- Lost
- Remain
- Reduce
You may want to create anchor charts as a class with some of these keywords so students have a handy reference.
2. Hand Out Highlighter s
Teach students to work through a word problem and highlight or underline the important information (such as what is being asked for), while they cross out redundant information and other bits that are not necessary.
This can help them focus on the key points that matter.
3. Teach the CUBES Strategy
This handy strategy is a favorite among our teacher team (you'll even find CUBES resources on our site!). CUBES stands for:
- Circle all the numbers
- Underline the question
- Box the key words
- Evaluate and write the equation
- Solve & check
4. Practice Creating Word Problems As a Class
Before you hand already crafted word problems to your students to solve, why not work together as a class to create some?
Take regular addition or subtraction problems from the many worksheets on Teach Starter, and turn them into word problems together so students can reverse engineer the process. Students can also draw a picture to illustrate the problem.
- Free Plan
Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving Task Cards
Practice solving 1- and 2-step word problems by adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers with this set of 16 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Adding and Subtracting Within 10 - Word Problem Task Cards
Solve word problems practicing addition and subtraction to ten with a set of printable task cards.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division Word Problems Task Cards (2-Digit by 1-Digit)
Use a range of strategies to solve 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication and division problems that exceed the facts of the 12 times tables.
- Plus Plan
Math Keywords for Problem Solving
Help your students decipher math word problems with a set of printable math keyword anchor charts.
- Free Plan
Roll to Create a Strip Diagram
A roll to create template for students to use when learning to use strip diagrams.
- Plus Plan
Strip Diagram (Bar Model) Poster Pack
Help your students solve problems using the four operations with a pack of printable strip diagram anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Word Problems Worksheet
Get students solving real-life perimeter word problems with a printable worksheet for 3rd and 4th grade.
- Plus Plan
Math Problem Solving Cards - Grades 2 and 3
A set of 30 problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
Math Brain Teasers – Grade 2 Word Problems
Challenge your second-grade students to solve these brain teasers with a set of 24 math word problems.
- Plus Plan
Open-Ended Math Word Problems - 5th Grade/6th Grade
Boost your students’ problem-solving skills with rigorous open-ended math problems for 5th and 6th grade students.
- Plus Plan
Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards
Solve multi-step addition and subtraction word problems with a set of printable math task cards.
- Plus Plan
Add and Subtract Integers on a Number Line - Interactive Picture Reveal
Practice solving addition and subtraction equations with positive and negative numbers using an interactive mystery picture reveal.
- Plus Plan
Basketball Math- Mixed Operations Worksheet
Practice multiplication, division, fractions, and problem-solving skills with a high-interest basketball-themed math task
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division Word Problem Task Cards (Facts 1-12)
Use a range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems for times tables facts 1-12.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division Word Problems Task Cards (Facts of 2, 5, and 10)
Use a range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with 2, 5, and 10 times tables.
- Plus Plan
Daily Problem-Solving - Multi-Step Word Problems (2-3)
Boost your students’ problem-solving skills with rigorous daily review of multi-step word problems for 2nd and 3rd grade.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards (Numbers 1-50)
Use a range of addition and subtraction strategies to solve twenty word problems that contain numbers 1–50.
- Free Plan
Problem Solving Mat
A problem solving mat to help guide students when solving word problems.
- Plus Plan
10 Problem Solving Strategies Posters
Boost problem solving skills and remind your students to use their strategies with our Problem Solving Strategy Posters.
- Plus Plan
Math Word Problem Task Cards - Multiplication and Long Division
Solve multi-step multiplication and long division word problems with a set of printable math task cards.
- Plus Plan
3-Act Math Tasks - Time Conversion Worksheets
Practice problem-solving skills and time conversions with a printable pack of 3 Act Maths Task worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Practice Problems With Visuals – Worksheet
Download these perimeter practice problems to use when exploring measurement concepts in your math lessons.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - Match Game
Practice reading, modeling, and solving addition and subtraction word problems with a matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Work Mat
Practice addition and subtraction concepts daily with a printable work mat for students.
- Plus Plan
Math Bowl - Mixed Operations Word Problem Game
Score a mathematical touchdown with by solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems with an exciting football math game.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numerical Expressions – Digital and Printable Riddle Worksheets
Use these worksheets to match numerical expressions with different scenarios to reveal the answer to a math joke.
- Plus Plan
Problem Solving - Multiplication and Division Worksheet
Practice solving word problems using one-step division and multiplication.
- Plus Plan
Basic Multiplication and Division Word Problem Task Cards
21 word problem task cards to use when learning to differentiate between and model multiplication and division situations.
- Plus Plan
Math Word Problem Match-Up Game - Basic Multiplication and Division
Twenty word problem cards to use in the classroom when learning to differentiate between multiplication and division situations.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication and Division - Which Operation Is It? – Interactive PowerPoint
An interactive 64-slide PowerPoint to use when learning to solve multiplication and division word problems.
- Plus Plan
Area and Perimeter Word Problems
Get students to solve area and perimeter word problems with this set of three worksheets for 3rd and 4th grade.
- Plus Plan
Open-ended Math Problem Solving Cards – Grades 2-4
A set of 20 open-ended problem solving cards covering a range of mathematical concepts.