Fine Motor Teaching Resources
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'O' is For Octopus
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'N' is For Ninja
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonemic awareness and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'E' is For Elf
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonological awareness, and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'B' is For Bluebird
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonological awareness, and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Letter Craft Activity - 'A' is For Ant
An activity to assist young students with letter recognition, phonological awareness, and fine motor development.
- Plus Plan
Fuzzy Friends Repeating Pattern Activity Cards
A set of 6 repeating pattern activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Fuzzy Friends Fine Motor Activity Cards
A set of 16 fine motor activity cards.
- Plus Plan
Initial Sound Clip Cards (Version 2)
A hands-on activity to practice initial sounds.
- Plus Plan
Back to School Tracing Skills
Practice tracing and fine motor skills with this set of 8 back-to-school tracing worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Dinosaur Tracing Pictures - Fine Motor Skills
A set of 5 dinosaur-themed tracing pictures.
- Plus Plan
Initial Sound Clip Cards (Version 1)
A hands-on activity to practice initial sounds.
- Plus Plan
Mold It! Task Cards
A set of 28 task cards to use with modeling clay.
- Plus Plan
Dinosaur Mazes
A set of 6 fun mazes with a dinosaur theme.
- Plus Plan
Letter Match Clip Cards
A fun, hands-on activity to practice matching uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Plus Plan
Scissor Cutting Skills Strips
A set of 6 different lined strips to assist in developing students’ scissor skills.
- Plus Plan
Pre-Handwriting Worksheets
A collection of 18 pre-handwriting skill sheets with a range of different techniques and themes.
- Plus Plan
Pinning or Tracing Pages - Animals
Ten animal pinning pages.
- Plus Plan
Number Playdough Mats for Fine Motor Development
A set of playdough mats covering the numbers 0-20 to help children develop their fine motor skills and identify numbers to 20.
- Plus Plan
Funky Dog Craft Template
A fun craft activity to do with your students to create a funky dog.
- Plus Plan
Fine Motor Animal Match-Up Activity
A fun matching activity using wooden clothespins to develop fine motor skills.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Craft Activities Teaching Resource Pack
Assist young students with letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and fine motor development from A to Z with this set of craft activities.
- Plus Plan
Dinosaur Fine Motor Skills Resource Pack
A collection of fine motor skill activities with a dinosaur theme.