
10 Reasons Why - End of Year Letter to Students

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Nov 2023

Strengthen connections and send your students off on summer vacation with an encouraging end-of-year letter to students.

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10 Reasons Why - End of Year Letter to Students

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Nov 2023

Strengthen connections and send your students off on summer vacation with an encouraging end-of-year letter to students.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Grades

    Grades: 1 - 5

Strengthen connections and send your students off on summer vacation with an encouraging end-of-year letter to students.

A Special End-of-Year Letter to Students

The time has come, and it’s time to send those sweet little faces you’ve come to know and love off into summer break and the next school year. As teachers, it’s always bittersweet to see those backpacks bouncing out the door on the last day of school. It’s hard for us and even harder for our students. Hence, the torrential downpour of tears on that last walk to the bus.

This year, we want to help you turn those tears into smiles. There’s no reason to cry! Help your students understand that you’ve spent the last year as a family and that they’ll remain one of ‘your kids’ forever. One way to do that is by giving out a special, personalized end-of-year letter to students on that last day of school.

10 Reasons Why I’ve Loved Being Your Teacher

Count down the top ten amazing memories you have of each student using this handy template to write an end-of-year note for students. Show them all the reasons why you’ve loved having them in class and help them see that they are special and loved, regardless of how their school year went. 

This template only takes a few minutes to fill out, but it will surely leave a lasting impression on your students as they progress to the next grade.

Download and Print Your End-of-Year Student Letter Template

Get ready to dive into your end-of-year preparations! Click the Download button and choose either the Editable Google Slides resource file or the quick-print PDF version.

More End-of-School-Year Ideas and Activities

Discover more ways to turn those end-of-year tears into summer smiles with these fun last day of school activities!

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10 Reasons Why - End of Year Letter to Students