
100 Chart Missing Numbers

  • Updated

    Updated: 23 May 2023

Practice counting forward beginning from a given number with this set of 100 charts and recording sheets.

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 1


100 Chart Missing Numbers

  • Updated

    Updated: 23 May 2023

Practice counting forward beginning from a given number with this set of 100 charts and recording sheets.

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 1

Practice counting forward beginning from a given number with this set of 100 charts and recording sheets.

🕵🏽‍♀️ Match the Picture to Find the Missing Number!🕵🏼

In this counting to 100 activity, your students will become number sleuths.  

To play, students will pick from one of three Missing Numbers charts and use their recording sheet to find the matching picture. When they determine the number the image is replacing, they’ll write it in the matching space on the recording sheet.

Through this activity, students will show they can count to 100, starting at any number

Scaffolding + Extension Tips 

Use a visual reminder of the correct order of numbers for students who need it, such as a 100 chart displayed in the classroom or on their desk plate.

Challenge fast finishers to use manipulatives to cover additional numbers on the 100 chart and quiz a classmate.

More Ways to Find the Missing Number

A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource for students to work on independently in your math center

However, check out our suggestions for using this activity to reinforce your small group and full-class lessons too: 

🛴 Scoot Activity

Place the cards around the room in numerical order and give each student a recording sheet. Assign students or pairs to a starting point card. Give students time to review the card and record their answer in the corresponding space on their paper. Students will rotate to the next card when you say, “SCOOT!” Continue in this manner until students return to their starting point. 

🔔 Bell Ringer Activity

Wake up your students’ brains first thing in the morning! Project a Missing Numbers chart for your students to see as soon as they enter the classroom. Provide students with a recording sheet to fill in each missing number. Collect their papers before your math lesson or discuss the answers as a group.

🔚 Exit Activity

Make multiple copies of the recording sheet and cut the images + blank spaces into strips (10 per page). After your lesson, pass them out so each student has a strip. Project a Missing Numbers chart and ask students to match their picture with the missing number. Make sure they include their name at the top before turning in their answers. 

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Print on cardstock for added durability and longevity. Place all pieces in a folder or large envelope for easy access. 

Sustainability Tip: Print a few recording sheets on cardstock and slip them into dry-erase sleeves. Students can write the answers with a dry-erase marker, then erase and reuse.

Because this activity includes an answer sheet, we recommend first printing one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank recording sheets for students to complete. 

Before You Download

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. A recording sheet and three answer keys are also included with this download.

Get our 10 Best Scaffolding Strategies here! 

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and Teach Starter Collaborator. 


Get counting with these numbers and sequencing activities too! 

[resource:2676246]   [resource:4697320]   [resource:2668842]


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100 Chart Missing Numbers