
Identify and Color 2D Shapes Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Aug 2024

Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: K


Identify and Color 2D Shapes Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Aug 2024

Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.

  • Pages

    Pages: 2 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: K

Use this 2D shapes worksheet to help your students identify 8 of the most common two-dimensional shapes.

Looking for a 2D Shapes Coloring Worksheet?

If you’re looking for a simple but effective worksheet to help your students identify some of the most common two-dimensional shapes, you’ve come to the right place! This one-page worksheet requires students to identify and color 8 different 2D shapes. Not only will students become more familiar with these common shapes, but they will also have the opportunity to further develop their fine motor skills through coloring.

The shapes featured on this worksheet are:

  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Triangle
  • Circle
  • Pentagon
  • Hexagon
  • Octagon
  • Oval

The download contains a one-page worksheet with an accompanying answer page.

Differentiate This 2D Shape Coloring Worksheet

If you’re looking for ways to support learners of different abilities while engaging with this resource, here are a few suggestions from our experienced teacher team:

  • Supporting Learners – For students who may not yet be familiar with these common shapes, have them access support materials such as our 2D Shapes Poster while completing the worksheet.
  • Challenging Learners – Extend learners by asking them to list the properties next to each shape, e.g. The triangle has three corners, the square has four sides, the circle is round.

Download to Identify 2D Shapes

This resource can be downloaded as a black-and-white PDF. 

As this resource contains an answer sheet, we recommend printing one copy of the entire file, then removing the answer sheet before making copies for your students.

Browse More 2D Shapes Resources

Teach Starter boasts an extensive collection of resources to help you teach your students about 2D shapes and their properties. Click below to explore a selection of our offering!

[resource:4648078] [resource:4644753] [resource:5103158]


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Identify and Color 2D Shapes Worksheet