
2D Shape Finger Puppets

  • Updated

    Updated: 31 May 2023

Use these cute shape puppets when discussing 2-D shape names and their properties with your students.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 2


2D Shape Finger Puppets

  • Updated

    Updated: 31 May 2023

Use these cute shape puppets when discussing 2-D shape names and their properties with your students.

  • Pages

    Pages: 3 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 2

Use these cute shape puppets when discussing 2-D shape names and their properties with your students.

2D Shapes Puppets to Bring Fun to Your Math Lessons! 

Kids love maths games! Engaging, colorful and fun, these 2D finger puppets are a great way to consolidate learning about 2D shapes, their names and properties! If you’re looking for a whole-class activity that will get your students having a blast while memorizing their shape-names, you’ve found the perfect resource for the job!

Included in this download:

  • rectangle
  • hexagon
  • square
  • circle
  • octagon
  • rhombus
  • pentagon
  • triangle

Try using these for dramatic play, a guess-the-shape game, or print out extras for a fun “shape of the day” mystery game where you leave clues around the room until someone guesses the correct shape!

Easily Prepare 2D Shape Puppets for Your Students

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to access the easy-print PDF.

Print out the 2-D shape puppets on cardstock. Use a Stanley knife to cut the circles out for the finger holes. You may like to get your students to decorate the black-and-white version as a worksheet or craftivity.

Place all pieces in a folder or large envelope for easy access.

Looking for more great hands-on 2D shapes resources? Check out the suggestions below!


[resource:4933413]  [resource:4230358]  [resource:106365]


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2D Shape Finger Puppets