Welcome students into your class calm down corner with this cool classroom poster.
Create a Calm Down Corner in Your Classroom
As adults, we know that some days can be harder than others! It is important to remember that our students sometimes have challenging days, too. This is where teachers can step in and support students’ social-emotional well-being as they face the everyday hurdles that life can throw at us!
Creating a chill-out zone or calm-down area in the classroom is a wonderful idea to promote emotional well-being and self-regulation among students. Such a space can benefit students who need a break from the regular classroom environment, feel overwhelmed, or need some quiet time to refocus.
Use this cool poster to advertise your classroom’s chill-out zone. We advise choosing an area in your classroom that is quiet and well away from high-traffic areas (such as doorways). You might even like to add additional aesthetic touches, such as a rug and some comfortable pillows. Calming colors are advised!
It’s also a good idea to add a few calming activities to your chill-out zone, such as:
- Fidget toys
- Books
- Puzzles
- Building blocks
- Mindful coloring
Download to Create Your Chill-Out Zone
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Use this poster in conjunction with the following calming strategy resources:
[resource:2651734] [resource:4805540] [resource:4623021]
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