A worksheet showing the 8 major compass points.
Use this worksheet when introducing compass directions to your students.
The students must label the compass points using the words provided in the word bank.
An answer page for teachers is provided.
A worksheet showing the 8 major compass points.
Use this worksheet when introducing compass directions to your students.
The students must label the compass points using the words provided in the word bank.
An answer page for teachers is provided.
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Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the continent of Africa.
Discover the location and position of America's states with this labeling activity.
63 exploring the affects of people and places vocabulary cards.
Locate and explore different vegetation zones around the world with this mapping worksheet.
Use this educational poster when students are learning about geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude.
A map showing the layout, regions and major countries of Asia.
Use this free latitude and longitude worksheet along with Google Maps to teach your students about longitude and latitude.
A concept map to use when learning about built environments.
Teach your students about the world’s seven continents and five oceans with this blank map of the world for labeling.
A 20 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing students to the geographical features of Africa.
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