Review measurement concepts with our customary length conversion worksheet set that provides practice converting among four units of length.
A Comprehensive Customary Length Conversion Worksheet Set
Give your students meaningful practice with this engaging Customary Length Conversion Worksheet Set! This resource features three worksheets designed to help students convert between inches, feet, yards, and miles. Each worksheet includes a fill-in conversion chart and a partially completed table to guide students through solving conversion problems with confidence.
This customary length conversion worksheet set focuses on conversions using the following units:
- Inches
- Feet
- Yards
- Miles
Simply download and print this resource to get your students on the road to measurement conversion mastery!
Using Our Converting Customary Length Worksheet Set
The formulas for converting customary units of length are provided on each worksheet and are as follows:
- 1 foot = 12 inches
- 3 feet = 1 yard
- 1,760 yards = 1 mile
- 5,280 feet = 1 mile
Teach your students how to use multiplication and division to convert among these units, and then use this resource to have them practice what they have learned. With a variety of problems on every page and included answer keys for quick grading, this converting customary length worksheet set is perfect for reinforcing conversions during independent work, homework, or review sessions.
ProTip: Print this customary length conversion worksheet set on cardstock and laminate it for a math center activity students can compete again and again!
Download This Customary Units of Length Worksheet Set
Our customary units of length worksheet set is available as an easy-to-use PDF or Google Slides file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select the file format you prefer. Make your copies, pass them out to your students, and you’re ready to go!
This resource was created by Liz Whitaker, a teacher in South Carolina and Teach Starter Collaborator.
More Converting Customary Units of Length Worksheets and Activities
Looking for more like these converting customary units of length worksheets Make sure you check out these other handy converting measurement worksheets and activities before you go!
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