Utilize this decimal place value chart with base 10 blocks to introduce decimals with an engaging hands-on approach.
Fill This Decimal Place Value Chart With Base 10 Blocks!
Looking for a hands-on way to teach decimal place values up to the thousandths? Use this decimal place value chart with base 10 blocks! Designed for use with base 10 blocks or base 10 block cards, this chart helps students visually understand the relationships between decimal places. The smallest cube represents thousandths, the stick represents hundredths, the flat represents tenths, and the large cube represents the “one.” With both color and black-and-white versions included, this chart is an excellent tool for interactive learning.
Use this decimal place value chart with base 10 blocks to teach:
- Decimal place value
- Comparing decimals
- Ordering decimals
- Adding decimals
- …and more!
Using This Base 10 Decimal Place Value Chart
To use this base 10 decimal place value chart, follow these simple steps!
- Download the resource in the format of your choice.
- Print a copy of either the color or black and white version for each of your students. We recommend printing on cardstock and then laminating for longevity.
- Give students a supply of base 10 blocks or our Base 10 Block Cards.
- Model representing different decimals by placing the correct number of base 10 blocks or cards in each place value. For example, to model 0.31, you would place three “flats” in the box in the tenths place and one “stick” in the hundredths place.
- Give students some decimals to represent. Ask them to model the decimal in the first row, and then write the decimal in the second row.
Download This Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks Place Value Chart
To grab your copy of our decimals using base ten blocks place value chart, find the download button and click the drop-down arrow there. Choose the file format that works for you, print, and go!
This resource was created by Kendall Britnell, a teacher in Colorado and a Teach Starter collaborator.
Seeking Decimals Using Base Ten Blocks Worksheets?
If you are looking for some decimals using base ten blocks worksheets and resources, you have come to the right place! Check out the resources below.
[resource:4368108] [resource:4891127] [resource:4916755]
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