
Doubles Minus 1 - Game Boards

  • Updated

    Updated: 08 Jun 2023

30 game boards to use when practicing the doubles minus one strategy with single and double-digit numbers.

  • Pages

    Pages: 17 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 1 - 2


Doubles Minus 1 - Game Boards

  • Updated

    Updated: 08 Jun 2023

30 game boards to use when practicing the doubles minus one strategy with single and double-digit numbers.

  • Pages

    Pages: 17 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 1 - 2

30 game boards to use when practicing the doubles minus one strategy with single and double-digit numbers.

Use these Doubles Minus 1 Game Boards when learning about near doubles.

Some suggestions for using these game boards in the classroom have been included.

  • In groups, provide a game board to each student and 2 dice. Each player takes a turn to roll the 2 dice. The player must then add the 2 dice together, double the total, and subtract one. Players can cover that number with a marker if they have that number on their game board. Decide before the game if they need to cover a line vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or all of the numbers to
    win the game.
  • In pairs, provide 1 game board, 2 dice, and 2 different colored markers. 1 player rolls the 2 dice, adds them together, doubles the total, and subtracts one. If the answer is available on the game board, they can place their marker on it. If the other player has already covered the answer, they can remove their opponent’s marker and replace it with their own. When all of the numbers have been covered, the winner is the player with the most numbers covered.
  • Provide each student with 1 of the blank game boards. Have students fill in their game board with all possible answers, and then either roll 1 die or use number cards to add together, double, and then subtract 1.

These game boards are great for a math center activity to reinforce addition strategies using single and double-digit numbers.


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Doubles Minus 1 - Game Boards