
Fictional Genre Activities

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 May 2021

A set of 28 fictional genre characteristic cards to use in a sorting or scoot activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 13 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 4 - 6


Fictional Genre Activities

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 May 2021

A set of 28 fictional genre characteristic cards to use in a sorting or scoot activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 13 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 4 - 6

A set of 28 fictional genre characteristic cards to use in a sorting or scoot activity.

This fun resource is a great way for students to practice identifying types of fictional genres.

Print out the resource on cardstock and cut out the genre and characteristic cards. Store in a resealable bag to be used again and again. This resource can be used as a sorting activity for your students in a reading center or it can be used as a scoot activity if you are looking for a whole-class activity for your students. Either way, your students will get plenty of practice identifying the different types of fictional genres.

The types of fictional genres used in this resource include:

  • fantasy
  • realistic fiction
  • historical fiction
  • mystery
  • traditional literature
  • science fiction
  • horror.

Looking for a way to save on paper? Why not print a class set of the recording sheets and slide each one in a dry-erase sleeve. Then, store them with the activity cards to be used again next year!

A set of instructions, a recording sheet, and an answer key are all included in the download.

This resource was created by Kelli Goffredi, a teacher from Texas and a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Fictional Genre Activities