
Financial Literacy for Kids - Instructional Slide Deck

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 May 2023

Teach your students the ins and outs of financial literacy with an instructional slide deck.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 4


Financial Literacy for Kids - Instructional Slide Deck

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 May 2023

Teach your students the ins and outs of financial literacy with an instructional slide deck.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 4

Teach your students the ins and outs of financial literacy with an instructional slide deck.

Is Financial Literacy Necessary for Elementary Grades?

The answer is, Absolutely! Without a solid understanding of money and financial literacy, our students would struggle in the real world. Like many math concepts, this is integral for children to understand to participate successfully in society.

Download a Ready-Made Financial Literacy Slide Deck!

This teaching slide deck will help you teach your students about spending, saving, and donating in an engaging, exciting way that will make them want to learn more.

The deck includes 18 animated slides, each with embedded checks for understanding and turn-and-talk opportunities. The slides feature banking concepts, including saving, spending, and donating. It also reviews needs vs. wants and how financial choices must be carefully made. 

A dedicated, experienced educator team created this resource to support your Economics and Math lessons. 

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Use the Download button to download the Google Slides presentation. Project the slide in Presentation mode and start teaching! It’s that easy!

This resource was created by Beth Hindi, a teacher in Texas and Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Financial Literacy for Kids - Instructional Slide Deck