
Find Someone Who Icebreaker

  • Updated

    Updated: 03 Aug 2023

Build a classroom community and help your students get to know each other with a fun getting to know you activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Grades

    Grades: 2 - 6


Find Someone Who Icebreaker

  • Updated

    Updated: 03 Aug 2023

Build a classroom community and help your students get to know each other with a fun getting to know you activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Grades

    Grades: 2 - 6

Build a classroom community and help your students get to know each other with a fun getting to know you activity.

Find Someone Who! The Perfect First Day of School Activity!

Welcome to a new school year, filled with exciting opportunities and friendly faces! To help everyone get to know each other, we have an amazing tool for you: icebreakers! These enjoyable activities help us break down barriers, spark new conversations, and form lasting friendships. Get ready to start the new year and have some fun getting to know your new students. 

This resource download is a fun classroom activity that we think you and your students will enjoy. It’s called “Find Someone Who” and it’s super easy to get started. Simply distribute the worksheet to each student, set a timer, and watch them start chatting away. The goal is for students to find classmates who meet the criteria in each box and have them sign their sheet. Afterwards, you can review the prompts as a team, encouraging students to connect with one another. 

Easily Download & Print Your Classroom Scavenger Hunt

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Find Someone Who Icebreaker