
Introducing Phoneme Segmentation Slide Deck

  • Updated

    Updated: 11 Apr 2023

Learn how to segment simple CVC words into their phonemes with this teacher-directed slide deck.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: K


Introducing Phoneme Segmentation Slide Deck

  • Updated

    Updated: 11 Apr 2023

Learn how to segment simple CVC words into their phonemes with this teacher-directed slide deck.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: K

Learn how to segment simple CVC words into their phonemes with this teacher-directed slide deck.

Segmenting CVC Words – Phonemic Awareness

This slide deck has been created to help a teacher explicitly teach how to segment simple CVC words into their phonemes. The slides’ simplicity caters to your class’s various needs. The deck consists of an initial explanation of the term ‘segmentation’ and then 18 different CVC words with three boxes to tap to show students how to ‘tap out’ phonemes in simple CVC words.

This teaching slide deck is a visual aid that introduces the word and demonstrates how to segment it into its three phonemes. This resource is perfect for small-group, individual, and whole-class instruction using a projector or interactive whiteboard. There are no animations to allow students to focus on the concept of segmenting the words into their phonemes.

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Use the Download button to download the Google Slide version of this resource.

This resource was created by Samantha Rose, a teacher in Florida and a Teach Starter collaborator.


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Introducing Phoneme Segmentation Slide Deck