
Kindness Hat Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Jun 2023

Use this printable kindness hat to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day or World Kindness Day in the classroom!

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Grades

    Grades: K - 1


Kindness Hat Template

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Jun 2023

Use this printable kindness hat to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day or World Kindness Day in the classroom!

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Grades

    Grades: K - 1

Use this printable kindness hat to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day or World Kindness Day in the classroom!

Kindness Day Hat Activity for Kids

Get kids thinking about how they can spread kindness with a printable hat template they can decorate and wear like a crown this World Kindness Day or Random Acts of Kindness Day! Let your students use their imagination to come up with sentences about how they can show kindness, then use basic materials to make a crown.

Using the template, students write all the ways they can show kindness to others in the small circles at the top of the hat. Alternatively, students can fill the circles with adjectives that they associate with kindness as part of an ELA lesson. 


printable kindness hat or crown for kids

How to Make a Kindness Hat With Your Class

⬇️ Use the Download button to download your copy of the black and white PDF file. Print on cardstock for added durability — this will make it stand up when placed on your students’ heads. 

🖍️ Make copies for your students, and let them go wild with crayons, markers, or if you are brave enough, paint! 

✂️ Cut out the crown, and fit to students’ heads. 

Teach Starter Teacher Tip: You’ll need some extra pieces of paper or sentence strips to complete the hat. Use strips of paper and staple them to either side of the template, fit the crown to each students’ head, trim to fit, and staple or tape together. 


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Kindness Hat Template