
Learning Scale and Self-Assessment Checklists

  • Updated

    Updated: 23 Jun 2023

Have your students reflect on their work and effort using this self-assessment learning scale.

  • Pages

    Pages: 5 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades: K - 4


Learning Scale and Self-Assessment Checklists

  • Updated

    Updated: 23 Jun 2023

Have your students reflect on their work and effort using this self-assessment learning scale.

  • Pages

    Pages: 5 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades: K - 4

Have your students reflect on their work and effort using this self-assessment learning scale.

The basic self-assessment learning scale includes four levels:

  1. I do not understand. I need help!
  2. I understand, but I have some questions.
  3. I understand and can do it myself.
  4. I understand and can help others.


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Learning Scale and Self-Assessment Checklists