
Multiplication Match-Up Puzzles

  • Updated

    Updated: 18 Oct 2023

A match-up activity to assist students in understanding multiplication word problems.

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 3


Multiplication Match-Up Puzzles

  • Updated

    Updated: 18 Oct 2023

A match-up activity to assist students in understanding multiplication word problems.

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 3

A match-up activity to assist students in understanding multiplication word problems.

Use this activity when working on beginning multiplication skills.

This match-up activity has been designed to help students begin to understand word problems that relate to multiplication.

Print on cardstock and cut out the pieces. Students must match each word problem with either a multiplication number sentence, a repeated addition number sentence, or an array. The images on the array puzzle pieces are non-descript – in each instance, they are asterisks.

As there are 30 puzzle pieces, this activity could be used as a whole class problem-solving activity, with each student finding their match-up partner. You could also put this into your math center for independent practice.


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Multiplication Match-Up Puzzles