
Ordinal and Cardinal Number Posters

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 Sep 2023

Posters connecting ordinal and cardinal numbers from 1-10.

  • Pages

    Pages: 11 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades: PK - K


Ordinal and Cardinal Number Posters

  • Updated

    Updated: 12 Sep 2023

Posters connecting ordinal and cardinal numbers from 1-10.

  • Pages

    Pages: 11 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades: PK - K

Posters connecting ordinal and cardinal numbers from 1-10.

Print these Ordinal and Cardinal Number Posters out on letter size or larger and laminate them. They will connect up and should be stuck on the wall next to each other to look like the mother and her chicks walking in a line.


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Ordinal and Cardinal Number Posters