
Parts of A Plant Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 04 Jun 2023

Label the parts of a plant with a printable plant worksheet.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 1 - 3


Parts of A Plant Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 04 Jun 2023

Label the parts of a plant with a printable plant worksheet.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 1 - 3

Label the parts of a plant with a printable plant worksheet.

Looking for a Parts of a Plant Worksheet!

Plants are vital to life on Earth. They grow on mountains, valleys, deserts, fresh and saltwater—almost everywhere on the planet. Plants come in many forms, from the smallest sprout to the tallest trees. Plants are beautiful to look at and play a vital role in keeping people, animals, and our planet healthy. We’re here to help you teach your students the basics behind Earth’s plant life, starting with a printable parts of a plant worksheet.

What are the Different Parts of a Flower?

The basic parts of most land plants are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. The function of each plant part is described below.

  • Roots hold the plants in the soil and take in nutrients and water that the plant needs
  • Stems support the upper section of the plant and transport nutrients, water, and sugar.
  • Leaves are the parts of the plant where photosynthesis usually occurs.
  • Flowers are the reproductive part of plants. They often have bright petals and scents to attract birds, bees, and other insects.
  • Fruits usually surround seeds. They protect the seeds and attract animals to eat them. This helps in seed dispersal.
  • Seeds contain plant material that can grow into another plant.

Label the Parts of a Plant Today!

This resource is a breeze to use! Simply click the download button to download the printable PDF resource file. We’ve included both a color and black and white diagram as well!



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Parts of A Plant Worksheet