
Finding the Perimeter of a Rectangle Poster

  • Updated

    Updated: 11 Oct 2023

Teach students the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle with this colorful classroom poster for your math bulletin board.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 4


Finding the Perimeter of a Rectangle Poster

  • Updated

    Updated: 11 Oct 2023

Teach students the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle with this colorful classroom poster for your math bulletin board.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 4

Teach students the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle with this colorful classroom poster for your math bulletin board.

Teach the Formula for the Perimeter of a Rectangle

As students begin to understand the concept of perimeter, the perimeter for the formula of a rectangle will be introduced. It can sometimes be difficult for students to remember which formula is used for a specific shape. 

This rectangle poster has been designed by our experienced teacher team to remind your students of the formula they can use to find the perimeter of a rectangle. The poster provides the following information:

  • A definition of perimeter (the distance around a two-dimensional shape)
  • A visual example using a rectangle
  • An explanation of the two formulae for the perimeter of a rectangle
    • Perimeter = length + length + width + width
    • Perimeter = (length x 2) + (width x 2) 

This rectangle poster explaining the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle downloads as a full-color or black-and-white PDF. Why not display the color version of the rectangle poster on your math bulletin board, then provide the students with a copy of the black-and-white version to paste into their notebooks.

This poster will have your students remembering the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle in no time!

More Perimeter of a Rectangle Activities

While this rectangle poster makes a great reference when it comes to helping your students remember the formula for finding the perimeter of rectangles, you’ll want to provide your students with some opportunities to apply this formula in real-world contexts. Here are some ideas you might like to try with your own class:

  1. Compare the Classrooms – Which classroom in the school has the largest perimeter? This is a great real-life question that enables students to apply their knowledge of the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle (as most classrooms are rectangular in shape). Send your students off in groups to measure the length and width of the classrooms in the school, then have them use the formula to calculate the total perimeter. Compare each group’s measurements to answer the question!
  2. Chalk Rectangles – If you have a concrete area or sidewalks in your school, then grab some sidewalk chalk and head outside for a student-led perimeter activity! Have each student draw a rectangle, then swap with a partner. Students can measure the length and the width of the rectangle, and then use the formula to find the rectangle’s perimeter.
  3. Model Rectangles – A twist on the above activity: students can use popsticks, string or paper straws to create rectangles. They can then swap with a partner, measure the length and width of the rectangle, then use the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle to find the total perimeter.

The more your students engage with rectangles, the more efficient they will become at using the formula for finding the perimeter.  

Download This Rectangle Poster for Perimeter

Use the download button above to access the color or black-and-white PDF.

You may wish to enlarge this poster to enhance readability for display purposes.

More Resources Targeting the Perimeter of a Rectangle

Teach Starter has more great resources to save you time when teaching the perimeter of rectangles to your class. Click below for some more curriculum-aligned, teacher-created activities!

[resource:2651978] [resource:4844574] [resource:4796159]


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Finding the Perimeter of a Rectangle Poster