
Plant and Animal Adaptations - Comprehension Worksheets

  • Updated

    Updated: 06 Jun 2023

Boost reading comprehension skills with a comprehension passage, with questions, about structural, behavioral and physiological adaptations.

  • Pages

    Pages: 9 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 5 - 6


Plant and Animal Adaptations - Comprehension Worksheets

  • Updated

    Updated: 06 Jun 2023

Boost reading comprehension skills with a comprehension passage, with questions, about structural, behavioral and physiological adaptations.

  • Pages

    Pages: 9 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 5 - 6

Boost reading comprehension skills with a comprehension passage, with questions, about structural, behavioral and physiological adaptations.

Blend Reading & Science With Animal Adaptations Passages

Time is precious, and we know that sometimes it is difficult to make room for science instruction during the day, so we’re here to help you blend the two for maximum efficiency. Reading comprehension skills come from repeated practice sessions, so why not blend some of that practice into another subject area?

In this resource download, we have included engaging reading selections, vocabulary review, and comprehension activities to create an educational resource to help your students understand more about various plant and animal adaptations. From the camouflaging techniques of chameleons to the remarkable behavioural adaptations of bears, this worksheet delves into the structural, behavioral and physiological adaptations that help animals survive in harsh environments.

Adaptation worksheets

Download and Print Your Structural, Behavioral, and Physiological Adaptations Resource

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Need more? Check out these Animal Adaptations resources!

[resource:4968724]   [resource:2666382]   [resource:2651638]


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Plant and Animal Adaptations - Comprehension Worksheets