
Prefixes and Suffixes Flipbook

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Jun 2023

Review and assess prefix and suffix knowledge with a printable vocabulary flipbook.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 2 - 3


Prefixes and Suffixes Flipbook

  • Updated

    Updated: 02 Jun 2023

Review and assess prefix and suffix knowledge with a printable vocabulary flipbook.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 2 - 3

Review and assess prefix and suffix knowledge with a printable vocabulary flipbook.

You’ll Flip for Our Prefix and Suffix Flipbook!

Vocabulary and word attack skills are an important part of a student’s development as they are foundational skills that will support reading comprehension, writing development, and effective communication.

This fun interactive template is an engaging resource for teachers who want to help their students review the most common prefixes and suffixes. This flipbook is divided up into sections, with each section focusing on a specific prefix or suffix, including:

  • Re-
  • Dis-
  • Pre-
  • -es
  • -ing
  • -ed
  • -est

Download & Print Your Vocabulary Flip Book Template

Use the drop-down menu to choose between this resource’s PDF or Google Slide version.

Directions for Assembly

  1. Give each student a copy of the six pages. Run them as a packet and staple them for easier distribution.
  2. Have students cut out each flipbook page along the dotted line.
  3. Once all six pages are cut apart, have students stack them from largest to smallest, lining up the top.
  4. Staple together across the top to assemble the flipbook!

This resource was created by Lisamarie Del Valle, a teacher in Florida and Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Prefixes and Suffixes Flipbook