
Race to a Dollar

  • Updated

    Updated: 08 Mar 2022

Use coin identification and addition skills to be the first player to get to 100.

  • Pages

    Pages: 5 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 2


Race to a Dollar

  • Updated

    Updated: 08 Mar 2022

Use coin identification and addition skills to be the first player to get to 100.

  • Pages

    Pages: 5 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 2

Use coin identification and addition skills to be the first player to get to 100.

🏎️ Make Money Sense by Adding Coins

Inspire healthy competition, addition, and money knowledge in this race to the mathematical finish line! 

Students will reinforce their classroom money lessons by identifying coins and their values to practice adding to 100 (or $1.00). 

Your download comes with two different spinners (editable in Google Slides), a 100 chart game board, directions, and a recording sheet. 

To play, students take turns spinning the spinner. When it stops, they:

  1. Count how much money is in the space. 
  2. Collect and keep the same coins from an assortment of change in the middle of the playing area.  
  3. Move their game piece to the corresponding number on the board. (ex. 26¢ → move to space 26)
  4. Write on their recording sheet how much money was on the spinner and how much they now have.

Play continues until someone reaches $1.00. 

🏆 More Activities with Adding Coins

A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource for students to work on independently in your math center

However, check out our suggestions for using this activity to reinforce your small group and full-class lessons too: 

🥇Coin Values

Use our Dice Roller Widget to randomly select numbers 0-99. Students use their knowledge of coins to determine which would be needed to reach that number. Ask students to provide their coin combinations. Answers may vary. 

🥈Class Review

Provide individual students with a recording sheet or pair students up to play. Spin the wheel and have students track the totals on their recording sheet. The first student(s) to realize they’ve reached $1.00 can call it out!  

🥉Spin & Add

Take away the board and use only the spinner to select two (or even three) amounts to add together. Let students use coins to determine the total sums. Challenge students to use as few coins as possible. 

🪙 Start Adding Coins Today! 

Select your preferred version: Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between black and white or color, PDF, or Google Slides*. 

Print on cardstock for added durability and longevity. Place the hundreds chart game board in a clear sleeve to protect it. 

Keep game pieces together: Store everything needed to play in a folder or large envelope in your games center or math area for easy access. 

*To change the coins on the spinner cards, download the Google Slides version for editing options. 

Develop your students’ money-math skills with more engaging activities and classroom resources! 

[resource:96732] [resource:4708571] [resource:59439]


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Race to a Dollar