Replace individual sounds in words to make new words with 18 phoneme substitution task cards.
A phoneme is just a fancy way to say “sound”…
Sounds that make up the words we say, read, and write.
And when you talk to your students about phoneme manipulation—as in adding, subtracting, and replacing sounds—a great place to start is giving students an opportunity to do it themselves!
With our Replace It! Phoneme Task Cards, students will practice phoneme substitution by replacing sounds to form new words.
18 Task Cards to Practice Phoneme Substitution
This resource can be used with your guided reading group or as a full class activity (see below) to practice substituting individual sounds in words to make new words.
Provide each student with their own mini whiteboard where they’ll write the word from each task card and say it out loud. Then, they’ll change the phoneme and read the new word.
Task cards can be used with whiteboards, notebooks, reading journals, etc. This resource can also be used for a quick reading warm-up.
Phoneme Substitution + Scaffolding and Extension Tips
Invite students to use a visual reminder, like an anchor chart or an alphabet display, to sound out words they may struggle with.
After students complete the task cards, have them identify which sound (initial, medial, or final) was changed to make the new word.
You can also use this game to create more phoneme substitution activities like scoot games, lesson reviews, comprehension assessments, and more.
Gallery Walk (Scoot Activity)
Hang all 18 task cards around the room to have your students complete a gallery walk. Working either alone or in pairs, assign a task card to each student and have them write their answers on a sheet of paper. When you say “Scoot” students will rotate through the cards until they have completed each one.
(NOTE: We suggest printing a second set of cards for this activity that you can number.)
Show Me!
This game can be done as a whole-class review activity. Give each student a mini dry-erase board and a dry-erase marker. Project a task card on the screen and have your students solve for the answer on their board. When everyone has written down their answer, say “Show Me”. Students will flip their boards and this allows you to easily see who needs extra support with phoneme manipulation.
Mirror Game
This activity is a spin on the classic “Newlywed Game” and works best with small groups because you’ll need enough dry erase boards and markers for each student. Divide the students into 2 groups and have them sit in 2 lines facing each other. Use your smartboard to show the students a task card and give them enough time to write and replace the specified phonemes on their board. On your cue (for example, “Flip!”) the students flip their boards around so their partner can see their answer. If both students in a pair have the correct answer, they get 2 points. If one has the correct answer, the team gets 1 point.
Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students
Print on cardstock for added durability and longevity.
Keep task cards out of pockets or under desks by punching a hole in the corner of each to put them on a binder ring.
Place all game parts in a folder or large envelope.
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This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and a Teach Starter Collaborator.
Check out more fun ways for your students to practice phoneme manipulation:
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