Introduce how to retell a story using this easy to follow printable mini book.
Printable Mini Book on How to Retell a Story
Are you beginning the journey of introducing how to retell a story with your young students? This printable mini-book is the perfect information tool for your students throughout this journey. The following topics are explained in a child-friendly format:
- What a retelling is…
- Main steps to follow when retelling stories.
- Characters
- Setting
- The main events
- Beginning, middle, and end
- Vocabulary to use when ordering the events in a story
This resource contains six letter-sized pages. Each page includes two mini-book pages (12 pages in total). To assemble the mini-book, follow these simple steps.
- Print out the resource. Create copies as required.
- Cut each page along the dotted line.
- Compile the pages in order.
- Staple the pages along the left-side margin to create a booklet.
- Distribute to the students.
This resource is available as a black-and-white PDF or an editable Google Slides file.
Multiple Uses for This Retelling Stories Mini Book for Kids
Looking for ways to incorporate this resource in your classroom? Here are one teacher’s suggestions.
- Unit Introduction – Providing your students with mini-books to explore can be a great way to introduce a new unit of work, as it captures their curiosity and attention.
- Reading Group Task – Why not use these mini-books as a collaborative reading group activity? This is a great way to integrate your science and literacy curricula by covering multiple learning outcomes with one resource!
- Revision Activity – Mini books make excellent study guides! Before a test or summative assessment, have the students use their mini-books to review key concepts and vocabulary.
Get Your Hands on This Printable Retelling Stories Book
Are you ready for your students to use this easy-to-assemble reader?
Simply click the green Download button and choose between the quick-print PDF document or the editable Google Slides file. (Note: If you select the Google Slides option, you will be prompted to make a copy to your personal Google Drive.
This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Retelling Resource Goodness
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