
Rhyming Words Flashcards

  • Updated

    Updated: 18 Nov 2021

Practice producing rhyming words with this set of 36 picture flashcards.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 1


Rhyming Words Flashcards

  • Updated

    Updated: 18 Nov 2021

Practice producing rhyming words with this set of 36 picture flashcards.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 1

Practice producing rhyming words with this set of 36 picture flashcards.

In addition to being a memory skill for decoding words, producing rhyming words is a fun activity for students because it allows them to play with language! 

And we could all use way more play in our day-to-day. 😉

Recognize & Produce Rhyming Words

Using these flashcards, students will identify the picture and verbally produce a word that rhymes.

Aside from a single-student reading center resource, use this learning aid as a partner game or guided reading group activity! See below for more ideas.  

Scaffolding + Extension Tips 

Challenge students who already understand the concept to record the rhyming words on a whiteboard or sheet of paper. They can also produce additional rhyming words for each card. 

Support students who need help understanding the concepts with visual references, such as phoneme segmentation aids, posters, or a rhyming words anchor chart.

More Activities To Help Students Recognize & Produce Rhyming Words

Use this resource as independent practice for fast finishers and full-class learning opportunities like scoot activities, lesson reviews, formative assessments, and more.

🧠 Memory Match

Bonus points for this version of the game as it helps students with their memorization skills! As a game for 2 players, students will shuffle the cards and lay them all face down. Each player takes their turn flipping 2 cards at a time until either finds a rhyming word pair and sets them aside to keep score. 

🏃‍♀️ Flashcard Relay

Divide students into two team lines and show the first 2 students in each line a card. The student that produces a correct rhyming word first wins the flashcard. The team with the most flashcards at the end of the game wins!

🖼️ True or False Gallery Walk

For this game, you will need to print a set of cards you can number to match the students’ answer sheets with the cards. Hang cards around the room in sets of matching and unmatching rhyming words. Working either alone or in pairs, assign students to a starting point and have them rotate through the cards on your signal, recording on a numbered sheet of paper whether the sets are a match (True) or a mismatch (False) until they have completed each one.

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Print on cardstock for added durability and longevity. Place all pieces in a folder or large envelope for easy access. 

As a reading center activity, we recommend punching a hole in the corner of each flashcard and placing them on a binder ring. This helps keep the cards organized and together, so you never lose a card in a pocket or under a desk. 

Before You Download

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or editable Google Slides version of this resource. 

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and Teach Starter Collaborator. 

Give your Language Arts lessons a boost with these interactive teaching resources and engaging freeplay activities:  

[resource:4604173]   [resource:4687499]   [resource:4652437]


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Rhyming Words Flashcards