
Rounding Activity (Warm-Up Teaching Slides)

  • Updated

    Updated: 23 Nov 2024

Use this digital rounding activity to review rounding numbers to the tens, hundreds, and thousands place.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 4


Rounding Activity (Warm-Up Teaching Slides)

  • Updated

    Updated: 23 Nov 2024

Use this digital rounding activity to review rounding numbers to the tens, hundreds, and thousands place.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 4

Use this digital rounding activity to review rounding numbers to the tens, hundreds, and thousands place.

Our Rounding Activity is a Fun Review!

Are you about to teach your students to round large numbers, but you need a short review activity to see what they know? Do you have students who have likely forgotten how to round SMALL numbers? We’ve got you covered! This digital rounding activity is an engaging way to kick-start your rounding unit or review what has been learned.

This rounding activity will ask students to round to the following place values:

  • Tens
  • Hundreds
  • Thousands

Reminder slides start this activity, followed quickly by some “We do!” problems before students round numbers independently.


Using Our Rounding Numbers Activity

This rounding numbers activity is easy to use and is fully editable if you would like to add more problems! Here is one way to use it:

  1. Download and display the rounding activity on your interactive whiteboard.
  2. Quickly review how to round numbers using the two introductory slides.
  3. Complete slides four and five as a class, continuing to review.
  4. Display slides six and then seven. Give students about five seconds to look at the number in the middle and silently decide how it should be rounded.
  5. Say “1, 2, 3!” On three, students raise their right hand to indicate that the number should be rounded “up” and raise their left hand to indicate that the number should be rounded “down.”
  6. Call on a student who has the right answer to briefly explain why they chose the side they did.
  7. Continue through the slides for as long as you would like your class to review!

Download This Rounding Numbers Slide Deck

This rounding numbers slide deck is available for easy download in both Google Slides and PowerPoint versions. Click the drop-down arrow on the download button to choose the format that suits your classroom.

This resource was created by April Tierney, a former teacher in Iowa and a Teach Starter collaborator.

More Rounding Games for 3rd Grade

Looking for rounding games for 3rd grade and beyond? You’re in luck! Check out more of our resource offerings below.

[resource:5121523] [resource:2662718] [resource:5121831]


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Rounding Activity (Warm-Up Teaching Slides)