
Sight Word BINGO (Fry Word List 1-100 )

  • Updated

    Updated: 09 May 2023

A set of 25 BINGO cards to practice reading the first 100 words on the Fry Sight Word List.

  • Pages

    Pages: 32 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: K - 2


Sight Word BINGO (Fry Word List 1-100 )

  • Updated

    Updated: 09 May 2023

A set of 25 BINGO cards to practice reading the first 100 words on the Fry Sight Word List.

  • Pages

    Pages: 32 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: K - 2

A set of 25 BINGO cards to practice reading the first 100 words on the Fry Sight Word List.

Use this resource in the classroom as a fun, whole-class game to practice reading sight words.

How to Use This Resource in the Classroom:

  • Print out the bingo and calling cards on cardstock for added durability. Cut out the calling cards along the dotted lines and store them in a resealable bag. Slip the Teacher Recording Sheet into a dry-erase sleeve so that it can be used again and again.
  • Give each student a BINGO card and 8 counters. Draw a sight word calling card from the bag and read it out loud to the students. Circle the word on the recording sheet to show it has been used. Students cover the word with a counter if it appears on their BINGO card. Students call out “BINGO!” when they have covered all 8 sight words on their card. Have the students read each sight word on their card as you check that each one is circled on the Teacher Recording Sheet.

This activity works well as a reading warm-up activity or when played with your guided reading groups.

Use the drop-down menu to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version.

NOTE: This resource uses the first 100 words found on the Fry Sight Word List.

This resource was created by Heather Chambers, a teacher/librarian in Texas and a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Sight Word BINGO (Fry Word List 1-100 )