
Silent Letter Flap Books

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Sep 2023

A great worksheet alternative to help your students identify silent letters in words.

  • Pages

    Pages: 16 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 2


Silent Letter Flap Books

  • Updated

    Updated: 05 Sep 2023

A great worksheet alternative to help your students identify silent letters in words.

  • Pages

    Pages: 16 Pages

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 2

A great worksheet alternative to help your students identify silent letters in words.

Forget the Worksheets, It’s Flap Book Time!

Explore silent letters in a new and exciting way with these silent letter flap books. Your students will love this hands-on alternative to the same-old worksheets they are used to receiving!

This literacy resource contains eight separate flap books. There is one flap book each for the silent letters g, k, w, h, n, l, t and b. 

Each flap book contains a cover page with two flaps: “My Silent Letter Words” and “My Words in Sentences”, along with a grid of words that students must cut out and paste into their flap book. 

How to Use our Silent Letters Flap Books

  1. Provide students with the flap book cover page corresponding to your focus silent letter. Students also need a copy of the corresponding word grid to cut out. (Note: There are four-word grids per Letter-size page that can be shared among students).
  2. Instruct the students to fold on the solid black line and cut along the dotted line to create the flaps. 
  3. The students cut out the words in the grid, then paste only the words that contain the silent letter under the left “My Silent Letter Words” flap. The words that are not used can be discarded. 
  4. Once students have glued all their words under the first flap, they must choose 2-3 words and write them in a sentence under the right “My Words in Sentences” flap. 
  5. The text and illustrations on the front flaps can be colored in to individualize the students’ flap books.

Tips for Extension and Support

This silent letters resource has been designed to support your students in developing a deeper understanding of silent letters in common words. Should you need to support or extend students in your class, you may wish to try the following ideas: 

  • Encourage students who require support to locate and highlight the silent letters in the grid before cutting them out. This should help them to be more successful when selecting the correct words to paste under the flap. 
  • For students who require extension, challenge them to add additional words to their flap books that contain the focus silent letter. For an extra level of difficulty, have them use all of their words in a sentence (instead of only 2-3 words). 

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This resource was created by Anna Helwig, a teacher in Arizona and a Teach Starter collaborator.


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Silent Letter Flap Books