
Social Strategies Task Cards

  • Updated

    Updated: 20 Jun 2023

A teaching resource to help students strategize solutions to problems around mental health and social well being

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 6


Social Strategies Task Cards

  • Updated

    Updated: 20 Jun 2023

A teaching resource to help students strategize solutions to problems around mental health and social well being

  • Pages

    Pages: 8 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 6

A teaching resource to help students strategize solutions to problems around mental health and social well being

This teaching resource provides scenario task cards that help students problem-solve and think about common challenges that they may face in life. Students need to think about their choices, no matter how impactful they may be. Not all situations are black and white and discussions around these issues can help students gain those problem-solving skills.

Topics addressed include:

  • mental health and well being
  • safety
  • relationships and sexuality
  • food and nutrition
  • drugs and alcohol
  • social awareness
  • extra blank cards to add your own scenarios or categories

These task cards can be used as a Pastoral Care focus or as a general class discussion starter. Peer share opportunities can come from using strategies such as circle time, rotation activities, smaller group, and pair discussions.

Note: there are topic themes around drugs, alcohol, and sexuality. Please make sure you read over this resource before presenting it to the students.


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Social Strategies Task Cards