A poster to encourage your class to work together as a team.

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Teamwork Poster
- Plus Plan
American Currency Poster - Bills
A poster showing different American bills and their values.
- Plus Plan
Reflection, Translation, Rotation Poster
A visual poster examining the difference between reflection, translation and rotation.
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Apostrophes Poster
A poster showing how to use apostrophes.
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Fairy Tales Settings Posters
A set of 6 fairytale story settings background posters.
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Doubles to Twenty
A set of 20 posters to help students remember double numbers to ten.
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CHIMPS Writing and Editing Poster and Bookmarks
A writing and editing poster and bookmarks using the acronym C.H.I.M.P.S.Green and red text variations are available.
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5 Research Report Prompt Stimulus Sheets
A set of 5 writing prompt stimulus sheets with a research focus.
- Plus Plan
Hiragana Kitchen Poster
A poster highlighting items in the kitchen in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
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Hiragana Describing Food Poster
A poster highlighting descriptions of food in Japanese Hiragana with English translations.
- Plus Plan
People of Ancient Rome
A set of 5 posters of prominent people in Ancient Rome.
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