
Thanksgiving Place Value for 2nd Grade - Interactive

  • Updated

    Updated: 31 Oct 2023

Review 2 and 3-digit place value concepts with an interactive Thanksgiving Math Activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 2


Thanksgiving Place Value for 2nd Grade - Interactive

  • Updated

    Updated: 31 Oct 2023

Review 2 and 3-digit place value concepts with an interactive Thanksgiving Math Activity.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade: 2

Review 2 and 3-digit place value concepts with an interactive Thanksgiving Math Activity.

Engaging Thanksgiving Math for 2nd Grade!

Are you excited for November? Get ready to bring some fall vibes and Thanksgiving cheer to your math classes! At Teach Starter, we believe in making learning fun and entertaining, and what better way to do that than by adding a hint of holiday energy to your curriculum? This year, let us help you create a memorable learning experience for your students by mixing the warmth and joy of Thanksgiving into your math lessons.

Practice 2nd Grade Place Value Concepts With Google Slides

With eight beautifully designed, turkey-themed slides, this digital learning tool makes math practice engaging and enjoyable. Your students will have a blast as they work through problems featuring adorable turkeys, colorful leaves, and other Thanksgiving elements.

This interactive slide deck covers a range of place value concepts, from building numbers using base ten blocks to more advanced concepts, allowing students to practice a variety of concepts in a single assignment.

The strategies you’ll find in this Thanksgiving math activity include

  • Building 2 and 3-digit numbers using base ten blocks.
  • Match numbers with their expanded forms
  • Compare numbers using less than, greater than, and equal to symbols
  • Breaking numbers into their place values.
  • Using words to explain place value concepts.

Complete Your Thanksgiving Lesson Plans With Ease!

Our resource is expertly designed to assist your students in using various strategies to demonstrate knowledge of place value concepts. It is brought to you by the dedicated educators at Teach Starter, who are passionate about empowering teachers like you to effortlessly create captivating lessons.

Are you ready to dive into your new resources? Click the Download button to download the Editable Google Slides resource file. We have also included an answer key in the dropdown for easy grading.

This resource was created by Cassandra Friesen, a teacher in Colorado and Teach Starter collaborator.

Need More Curriculum-Aligned Thanksgiving Activities for Kids?

Make sure you check these out before you go!

[resource:4860843]   [resource:4850829]   [resource:4860825]


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Thanksgiving Place Value for 2nd Grade - Interactive