
Trusted Adult Scenario Task Cards

  • Updated

    Updated: 08 Jun 2023

Help students understand who is in their trusted adult network and who to go to for help.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: K - 2


Trusted Adult Scenario Task Cards

  • Updated

    Updated: 08 Jun 2023

Help students understand who is in their trusted adult network and who to go to for help.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: K - 2

Help students understand who is in their trusted adult network and who to go to for help.

Do Your Students Know Their Trusted Adult Network?

Your students knowing their trusted adult network is paramount for children’s well-being and safety. Children aware of their trusted adult network have a  safety net of reliable individuals they can turn to when they feel threatened, uncomfortable, or need help. These trusted adults can provide protection, guidance and support in various situations, including emergencies, challenging circumstances, or when dealing with potential dangers.

These scenario task cards with matching trusted adults within the community are a great way to open up discussion with your class about different situations and who they may go to in each scenario.  You may also like to get the students to brainstorm other trusted adults that they can identify in their personal network.

Role Play Seeking Help

As an additional activity, you may like to get the children to role-play how they would go up and ask each of the trusted adults for help in each of the scenarios. After the role plays are complete, facilitate a class discussion about the importance of asking a trusted adult for help, what they learned from the activity, and any challenges they face during the role plays. Highlight key points and reinforce that seeking help is a positive and necessary action.

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This resource was created by Lauren Boorst, a teacher in Indiana and a Teach Starter Collaborator.


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Trusted Adult Scenario Task Cards