
Twelve Days of Kindness – Christmas Challenge Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Jun 2023

Challenge your students to commit 12 random acts of Christmas kindness with a printable kindness activity for elementary school students.

  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 6


Twelve Days of Kindness – Christmas Challenge Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated: 07 Jun 2023

Challenge your students to commit 12 random acts of Christmas kindness with a printable kindness activity for elementary school students.

  • Grades

    Grades: PK - 6

Challenge your students to commit 12 random acts of Christmas kindness with a printable kindness activity for elementary school students.

12 Days of Christmas – Fun Kindness Challenge

The 12 days of Christmas kindness is a way for your students to provide a sprinkle of Christmas cheer to those around them. Spreading kindness is a great way to make someone happy, or simply to do something nice for someone.

Your students need to discover that there are thousands of ways children can purposefully spread kindness and Christmas cheer with their classmates, teachers, parents, and communities. We’ve put together a helpful Christmas Kindness tracking sheet that is perfect for helping them show off the many ways that they have chosen to be kind and help others during the winter holidays.

Teach Social-Emotional Learning Lessons on Kindness

This activity is perfect for blending into your SEL lessons on kindness. Now more than ever, young children desperately need ways to learn to be kind, supportive, and helpful to those around them. This worksheet will help your students keep track of their purposeful acts of kindness and show others different ways they can be kind.  Teaching your students kindness is important because one simple act of kindness can positively impact someone’s feelings or mental health. Acts of kindness can provide happiness for both the receiver and the giver.

To complete the Random Acts of Kindness challenge, students will write and draw in each of the ornaments to record different random acts of kindness they complete during the holiday season. This would be a great homework assignment or family involvement project to send home at the beginning of December.



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Twelve Days of Kindness – Christmas Challenge Worksheet