
Volume Game — BINGO!

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Play our BINGO volume game with your students to give them engaging practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 5 - 6


Volume Game — BINGO!

  • Updated

    Updated: 26 Feb 2025

Play our BINGO volume game with your students to give them engaging practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 5 - 6

Play our BINGO volume game with your students to give them engaging practice finding the volume of rectangular prisms.

Practice AND Play With Our BINGO Volume Game

Make volume practice exciting with this engaging BINGO volume game! Students will calculate the volume of rectangular prisms based on the dimensions shown on each calling card, then find and mark the matching volume on their bingo cards. Some calling cards feature real-world objects that are rectangular prisms, giving students a mix of visual and numerical challenges. This interactive game reinforces volume calculations in a fun, hands-on way and is perfect for math centers, review sessions, or whole-class activities. Turn volume practice into a game your students will love!

This volume game includes:

  • 24 Bingo cards
  • 24 Calling cards
  • Directions
  • Answer key

How to Play Volume Bingo

Bingo games are well-known, well-loved, and easy to play! This volume bingo game is no different. Here’s how to get started!


  1. Download and print the volume game. (We recommend printing on cardstock and then laminating these supplies for longevity.)
  2. Cut out the calling cards.
  3. Give each student a different Bingo board and some counters.
  4. Display a calling card with a document camera, and tell students to calculate the volume. Students will then calculate the volume, find it on their bingo card, and mark it with a counter.
  5. Students get a “Bingo!” when they mark all 5 spaces in a row, a column, or diagonally.

Download this Engaging Volume Activity

This BINGO volume activity is yours in moments! Just click the drop-down arrow on the download button and choose between the PDF and Google Slides versions of this resource.

This resource was created by Brittany Collins, a teacher in Indiana and a Teach Starter collaborator.

Additional Volume Math Games and Activities

Want more volume math games and activities? We’re always here to help! Take a look at some student favorites below.

[resource:5142428] [resource:4871071] [resource:5142611]


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Volume Game — BINGO!