
Volume Investigation - Creating the Land of Cubes

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 Nov 2023

A mathematics investigation involving volume, embedded in a real-world context.

  • Pages

    Pages: 4 Pages

  • Grade

    Grade: 5


Volume Investigation - Creating the Land of Cubes

  • Updated

    Updated: 21 Nov 2023

A mathematics investigation involving volume, embedded in a real-world context.

  • Pages

    Pages: 4 Pages

  • Grade

    Grade: 5

A mathematics investigation involving volume, embedded in a real-world context.

This open-ended mathematics investigation has been designed to deepen students’ understanding of volume.

In this investigation, Miss Prism wants to create a Land of Cubes for a Math Day display. She wants to have all the objects in her room made from cubes, but because there are so many things to make, she needs her students’ help!

This teaching resource includes:

  • teacher notes detailing a range of important information about the investigation
  • a detailed description of the investigation for students, including step-by-step instructions
  • an object design worksheet
  • reflection questions.


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Volume Investigation - Creating the Land of Cubes