
What Is Perseverance? Teaching Slides

  • Updated

    Updated: 14 Dec 2023

Teach your students perseverance strategies with this comprehensive slideshow perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.

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    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 5


What Is Perseverance? Teaching Slides

  • Updated

    Updated: 14 Dec 2023

Teach your students perseverance strategies with this comprehensive slideshow perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.

  • Pages

    Pages: 1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades: 3 - 5

Teach your students perseverance strategies with this comprehensive slideshow perfect for your social-emotional learning lessons.

Teach Your Students Perseverance Strategies

Perseverance is the ability to keep working towards a goal, even when faced with challenges. Perseverance is an important skill. Life is not always easy, but perseverance allows people to find the strength to push forward and achieve great things! Just like riding a bike or playing a musical instrument, perseverance is a skill that can be learned. As educators of young children, teachers have a valuable role to play when it comes to teaching our students perseverance skills.

Our expert teachers have created this 21-slide teaching presentation to help you introduce the concept of perseverance to your learners. The presentation explains what perseverance is and outlines some perseverance strategies. It also uses a practical example to demonstrate what these strategies might look like in a real-world situation. 

The perseverance strategies featured in this presentation are:

  • Know your goal
  • Create a plan
  • Stay motivated
  • Adapt to setbacks
  • Use your support crew
  • Celebrate your success

At the end of the presentation, three “This or That?” activities have been included. These feature a real-world scenario and require the students to choose whether the child in the scenario is showing perseverance or not.

Perseverance is not just a virtue; it’s a life skill that students can carry into adulthood. The ability to persist in the face of challenges, setbacks and obstacles is a personal tool that transcends classrooms, preparing students for the dynamic challenges of the real world. Through engaging with this presentation, students will have taken their first step in the journey towards developing perseverance!

Take These Perseverance Strategies Further

Once you’ve shared this presentation with your students, you’ll want to capitalize on their learning about perseverance strategies by providing an opportunity to apply these to their own lives. That’s where Teach Starter’s Perseverance Strategies Mini-Book comes in!

This resource enables students to embark on their own goal journey using the strategies outlined in the presentation. Whether the goal is large or small isn’t what is important; it’s becoming familiar with the concept of perseverance and its related strategies that counts. You might like to guide your students in selecting a goal that’s important to them, then assist them in the steps of making a plan and sticking to it by working through the mini-book pages.

Equipped with this knowledge, our students will hopefully become adept at tackling real-world challenges.

Get Started with Teaching About Perseverance

Use the Download button above to access the Google Slides version of this resource. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides template before accessing it.)

Project the resource onto your screen and work through the slides as a class for a paperless lesson!

More Resources for Perseverance and Resilience

If you’re looking for more teacher-created activities to build your students’ life skills, then you’ve come to the right place! Explore this great selection of perseverance and resilience resources perfect for your social-emotional learning curriculum.

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What Is Perseverance? Teaching Slides