ELAR 2.9
Multiple genres: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--genres. The student recognizes and analyzes genre-specific characteristics, structures, and purposes within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse texts. The student is expected to:
- (1) demonstrate knowledge of
distinguishing characteristics of well-known children's
literature such as folktales, fables, and fairy tales;
- (A) explain visual patterns and structures in a variety of poems;
- (B) discuss elements of drama such as characters, dialogue, and setting;
- (C) recognize characteristics and structures of informational text, including:
- (D) the central idea and supporting
evidence with adult assistance;
- (i) features and graphics to locate and gain information; and
- (ii) organizational patterns such as chronological order and cause and effect stated explicitly;
- (iii) recognize characteristics of persuasive text, including:
- (E) stating what the author is trying to persuade the reader
to think or do; and
- (i) distinguishing facts from opinion; and
- (ii) recognize characteristics of multimodal and digital texts.
- Free Plan
Nonfiction Text Features Flipbook – Read and Define
Use this text features flipbook as a reading center activity to teach your students about the purpose of text features in nonfiction books.
- Plus Plan
Animal Alliteration Activity - Brainstorming Template
Use this brainstorming template when teaching about alliteration.
- Plus Plan
Grade 2 Magazine - What's Buzzing? (Issue 1)
A beautifully designed, 24-page reading magazine specifically written for Grade 2 students.
- Free Plan
Human Histories: World Explorers – Comprehension Worksheet
A free comprehension worksheet paired with an informational text about world explorers.
- Free Plan
Text Features Worksheet
Download this nonfiction text features worksheet so students can practice locating different types of text features found in a nonfiction text.
- Plus Plan
Tale of a Whale - Simple Rhyming Poetry Poster
A simple rhyming poem that is perfect to explore phonics and rhyming words in the early years.
- Plus Plan
Fact and Opinion Worksheets – Cut and Paste
Use these fact and opinion worksheets to help your students identify the difference between fact statements and opinion statements.
- Plus Plan
Nonfiction Text Features Cut and Paste Worksheets
Use this text features matching worksheet when exploring the features of nonfiction texts with your students.
- Free Plan
Poetry Terms - Word Wall Display
Display and discuss terms related to poetry and figurative language with a set of 30 word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Poetry Task Cards
A set of 20 task cards to practice different elements of peotry.
- Plus Plan
Rhyming Poems Poster
A poster providing a definition and example of a rhyming poem.
- Plus Plan
Onomatopoeia Poster
A poster providing a definition and examples of onomatopoeia.
- Plus Plan
Alliteration Poem Poster
A poster providing a definition and example of an alliteration poem.
- Plus Plan
Procedural Writing Sequencing Worksheet – How to Wash Your Dog
Use this procedural writing worksheet to teach your students about the importance of sequence in procedure texts.
- Plus Plan
Main Idea and Details Anchor Chart
Print a main idea anchor chart for primary grades to build skills in identifying main idea and details in nonfiction texts.
- Plus Plan
What's the Main Idea? Worksheet-Graphic Organizer
Help students work out the main idea and supporting detail of a text with a handy main idea worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Elements of Poetry - Instructional Slide Deck
Investigate poetic elements with an interactive Elements of Poetry teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Paul Revere Constructed Response Worksheet
Integrate reading, writing, and American history with a constructed response worksheet about Paul Revere and the American Revolution.
- Plus Plan
Grade 2 Magazine - "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 1) Task Cards
Five sets of literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with issue 1 of Teach Starter's Grade 2 magazine.
- Plus Plan
10 Fun Facts Writing Template
Use this template to distinguish between fact and opinion when studying informational or biographical texts.
- Free Plan
Readers Theater – Play Writing Template
A template for students to use when writing their own Readers Theater script.
- Plus Plan
Text Features Flashcards
Teach students the definitions of text features such as headings, sidebars, captions and many more with this set of flashcards for elementary students.
- Plus Plan
Alliteration Poster For Young Students
A poster to use with young students when teaching alliteration.
- Plus Plan
A Fistful of Flavors Alliteration Activity
Make alliteration fun with a printable worksheet that challenges students to create flavors of ice cream.
- Free Plan
Facts and Opinions Graphic Organizer
Practice writing facts and opinions with this graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Pack
A narrative writing teaching pack containing 9 worksheets and posters.
- Plus Plan
Fact or Opinion? - Digital Learning Activity
Practice identifying, sorting, and writing facts and opinions with an interactive digital learning activity.
- Plus Plan
A Visit from Santa – Christmas Poem Poster
Use this “A Visit from Santa” Christmas poem for kids as a basis for some festive fun in your classroom!
- Plus Plan
Penguin Adaptations Printables - Comprehension Worksheets
Explore the fascinating world of penguins and their adaptations with our set of printable Reading Comprehension Worksheets for 2nd and 3rd graders.
- Plus Plan
Using Indexes Worksheets
Teach students about the index text feature with this set of worksheets perfect for elementary students.
- Plus Plan
Using Tables of Contents Worksheets
Download these table of contents worksheets to provide your students with practice working with this valuable nonfiction text feature.
- Plus Plan
Nonfiction Text Features Flipbook – Read and Find
Get your students to find text features in nonfiction books with this student-centered flipbook activity perfect for reading centers.